All posts tagged with Culture & Society
09/09/2017 / By JD Heyes

For a while, just about every “mainstream” media outlet that has a news bureau in Washington, D.C., was reporting one

09/08/2017 / By JD Heyes

The disgusting anti-American “mainstream” media is filled with Leftists who have never met a Marxist ‘revolutionary’ movement they didn’t like.

09/07/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

Actor George Clooney, along with his human rights lawyer wife, Amal, has just donated $1 million to the Southern Poverty

09/05/2017 / By Jayson Veley

If a nickel were given to every single American every time a leftist made a comment about race, we would

09/03/2017 / By JD Heyes

Most rational, fair-minded Americans knew that the country was cheated by former FBI Director James Comey when he refused to

08/31/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

Would you pay nearly $150,000 for a degree that can get you a job with a median yearly salary of

08/31/2017 / By Ethan Huff

As everyday Americans watch manufactured race chaos unfold all around them in the aftermath of the infamous Charlottesville false flag

08/28/2017 / By JD Heyes

As the political divide in America continues to widen and deepen with opposition to President Donald J. Trump rising to

08/24/2017 / By Isabelle Z.

You can’t turn on the news these days without seeing social unrest rising across the country. Just take a look

08/23/2017 / By JD Heyes

When you, as a Left-wing political movement, attempt to “mainstream” your violence against those with whom you disagree by comparing

08/15/2017 / By JD Heyes

Shortly after violence erupted in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday, where white supremacists and Left-wing anarchists battled one another over the

08/15/2017 / By JD Heyes

As the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media continues to hammer President Donald J. Trump over his refusal to take the ‘military

08/01/2017 / By Ethan Huff

The man who claims credit for procuring news coverage of the infamous Watergate scandal for The Washington Post, recently made a public

06/29/2017 / By JD Heyes

CNN continues to be exposed as little more than a Nazi-era propaganda network as yet another top figure admitted that