Like the rest of the far-Left “establishment” media, The Associated Press did a story attempting to link the series of …
The New York Times (NYT) has been all too eager to take credit for blowing the lid on Hollywood film …
For several weeks now, liberals in Washington D.C. and the mainstream media have been giddy and overjoyed over a stack …
Republicans’ failure to repeal and replace Obamacare like they promised to do for seven years means that tens of millions …
Newly uncovered documents that the Baum, Hedlund, Aristei, and Goldman law firm has dubbed the “Monsanto Papers” reveal yet again …
The rash of fake news from so-called “mainstream” and legacy news outlets is continuing, with the latest example coming from …
Don’t look now, but the Alt-Left now has something new to blame on President Donald J. Trump: The damage inflicted …
President Trump was proved right this week that the federal government had indeed wiretapped his phones during the election, a …
After a known terrorist with the Nourredine al-Zengi faction (the group responsible for beheading a twelve-year-old boy on camera), along with his compatriots in …
There is no doubt that Hurricane Harvey left an immense trail of destruction in its wake. In addition to displacing …
For a while, just about every “mainstream” media outlet that has a news bureau in Washington, D.C., was reporting one …
Would you pay nearly $150,000 for a degree that can get you a job with a median yearly salary of …
You can’t turn on the news these days without seeing social unrest rising across the country. Just take a look …
Shortly after violence erupted in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday, where white supremacists and Left-wing anarchists battled one another over the …