By Ethan Huff
Fake science: CDC publishes totally false data on gun injuries, but the left-wing media eats it up without any supporting evidence
Though they’ve slightly faded from the spotlight ever since the Judge Brett Kavanaugh confirmation circus, the “March For Our Lives” gun-grabbers are still busy behind the scenes trying to eliminate your Second Amendment rights – and they’re doing it using fake gun injury data being published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media LIES about 3D-printed guns, falsely claims they are “undetectable” deadly weapons
When one begins researching the number of gun laws already in the statute books – on the federal, state, and local levels – it’s hard to imagine that any politician really believes additional laws are needed. But they’re out there alright, and the vast majority of them belong to the Democratic Party. In fact, few […]
By Ethan Huff
New England Journal of Medicine contorts statistics to absurdly claim that gun deaths are largely caused by NRA members
A popular medical journal recently took a swipe at the Second Amendment with the publishing of a ridiculous letter to the editor that claims firearm-related injuries drop every year during the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association (NRA) – the implication being that law-abiding gun-owners are largely responsible for gun-associated injuries and deaths in […]
By JD Heyes
Dishonest CDC caught hiding data proving that guns are used FAR more for self-defense than for crime
One of the Left’s biggest knocks on guns is their claim that very few Americans actually use one for self-defense purposes and that firearms are used far more times to commit murder and other crimes. Not only is that untrue, it’s very untrue. And what’s more, at least one government agency has known it’s untrue […]
By JD Heyes
CNN’s Chris Cuomo flat-out lies to help Democrats cover up their push to take your guns away
In the days following last weekend’s “March for Our Lives” demonstrations held in Washington, D.C., and other cities around the country, it became increasingly obvious to everyone except a lone CNN host what the real purpose of the protests was: Get rid of the right to keep and bear arms. If you recall, the original […]
By JD Heyes
WashPost goes “full history-tard,” claims guns are racist, ignores fact that gun control sought to disarm black men
Along with other legacy media outlets, The Washington Post continues to solidify its reputation as a thinly-disguised Marxist agitprop rag posing as a legitimate news organization. The latest example of this is an actual story — not an opinion piece — claiming that gun ownership is racist and that whites use the Second Amendment today […]
By JD Heyes
Figures: California Democrat has no problem LYING about firearms in order to push his anti-Second Amendment agenda
To most Americans words mean things and when the wrong words or terminology are used, then they understand it is not possible to accurately convey their message. Then again, there are those who know that but intentionally misuse terms and language — they lie, in other words — to push a certain agenda. Democrats routinely […]
By JD Heyes
THIS is why we won’t “solve” problem of school shootings: American Pravda media can’t even be honest about reporting on GUNS
For the longest time, I believed that the primary reason why the so-called “mainstream media” could never get its reporting right when it came to guns — how they work, what they are and are not capable of, even correctly identifying them — was due to an inherent ignorance about firearms. Most of them were […]
By Jayson Veley
FACT CHECK: When left-wing media reports “school shootings,” they’re including toy BB guns… what’s next? Water guns?
Many conservatives now consider the mainstream media to be an appendage of the democrat party, and rightfully so. It’s a rather simple yet effective relationship: The Democrats set the agenda (which includes higher taxes, lax immigration laws, more restrictions on firearms, etc.), and the liberals in the media twist and distort the facts in order […]
By Jayson Veley
Incredible LIE of the Left: No, you can’t buy “automatic weapons” at a gun show
In their never-ending quest to do away with the Second Amendment and separate the American people from their firearms, the political left routinely uses fear and scare tactics to advance their radical gun control agenda. One of the talking points that they commonly use is the false idea that Americans can simply walk into a […]
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