Former FBI Director James Comey COVERED for Hillary then LIED about it… he should be arrested by the same agency he used to lead

Most rational, fair-minded Americans knew that the country was cheated by former FBI Director James Comey when he refused to recommend that Hillary Clinton, one of the most scandal-ridden politicians to ever serve in government, not be prosecuted for her very obvious violations of statutes governing the handling of classified materials.

What we didn’t know last July, when Comey recounted all of Clinton’s crimes before saying “no reasonable prosecutor” would indict her, is that the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation had made the decision to exonerate Clinton months in advance — before his agents had even interviewed more than a dozen key witnesses (including Clinton herself).

And now, Comey has some explaining to do — or should have, if justice is to be done.

As noted by The Gateway Pundit, when Comey testified to Congress regarding his decision not to recommend that Clinton be prosecuted, he said he made it after the FBI interviewed her. But a new report now says that Comey actually wrote the memo letting Clinton off the hook in April last year — several months before her interview with agents.

Knowing this now sure puts Clinton’s expression of confidence a month earlier that there was no way she’d be indicted into perspective, doesn’t it? (Related: The FIX was in: Comey decided MONTHS before FBI finished Clinton probe he would clear her.)

Anyway, during a Sept. 28, 2016, hearing before the House Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, asked then-Director Comey a simple question: “Director, did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information before or after Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI on July 2nd?”

To which Comey responded, “After.”

Here’s the relevant clip:

Ratcliffe, a former federal prosecutor, would go on to criticize the manner in which Clinton was interviewed — namely, that two key witnesses, close Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, were permitted to sit in on the interview.

He then made a prophetic observation:

As a former federal prosecutor, I can tell you that it’s unheard of for a potential key witness to be present when the target of an investigation is being interviewed. In fact, I’ve never seen it. And Comey admitted he’s never seen it. The American people have every right to wonder why this occurred in Clinton’s case – this isn’t the treatment anyone else in our country would have received, and it frankly appears that the outcome of this investigation was predetermined from the start.

On Thursday Townhall reported the details surrounding Comey’s predetermination that he wouldn’t recommend Swamp Creature Clinton be indicted:

According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation into her mishandling of classified information during her time as Secretary of State. 

“According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton,” says a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray from Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

“That was long before FBI agents finished their work. Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership. The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts.

“Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation,” the letter continues. “The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy.”

It has become clear that Comey has been in on two things for at least the past year: 1) Ensuring that the person he believed would be his new boss come November, Hillary Clinton, stayed out of jail; and 2) Doing everything he could to sabotage Trump and his presidency.

No wonder he was fired. He should now be arrested by the same bureau he tainted with his Deep Swamp dishonesty.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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