InfoWars products heavy metals warning a SMEAR campaign: Here’s the real science the fake news media won’t report

It’s been all over the mainstream media for days: InfoWars nutritional products have been found to contain high lead, a toxic heavy metal, media stories claim. But is the story really true, or is this just a politically motivated smear campaign to try to destroy InfoWars’ primary revenue source?

Without exception, every piece of mainstream media news attacking InfoWars over this supposed lead finding in their products is rife with political attacks aimed at InfoWars’ political speech. Additionally, almost every story universally accuses anyone who sells nutritional supplements of being a “snake oil salesman,” even when it’s actually toxic prescription pharmaceuticals that are murdering millions around the globe (see for a real-time count). No one has ever asserted that InfoWars products have killed anyone, yet chemotherapy alone has killed 17.8 million people since January 1, 2000, and the mainstream media pretends that isn’t happening at all. (FDA approved pharmaceuticals kill hundreds of thousands a year on top of that, but who’s counting?)

An honest look at the lead levels in InfoWars products reveals a surprising conclusion

Just how much lead was found in InfoWars products? California’s Proposition 65, which was originally passed as a “clean water law,” has been applied to nutritional supplements while exempting all foods, by the way. It sets a limit of 0.5 micrograms of lead per day when the supplement is consumed according to the serving size recommended on the label.

The InfoWars Caveman product that was tested is labeled at 21 grams per serving, and according to news reports, the amount of lead found in those 21 grams exceeded the Proposition 65 limit by six times, meaning it was somewhere around 3 micrograms of total lead. This means it contains approximately 0.143 micrograms of lead per gram of the product. In other words, the lead concentration in the product is approximately 143 parts per billion (ppb).

If you take a look at the standard I created and published years ago, that would put this InfoWars product as an “A” grade for heavy metals.

Are you shocked yet?

In other words: There isn’t as much lead in it as the media seems to imply, especially when compared to other products I’ve tested and exposed, such as Zeolites. As a comparison, while this InfoWars Caveman product may contain 143 ppb of lead, I’ve tested many zeolites that contain over 50,000 ppb lead. Yet nobody in the mainstream media is covering the lead in zeolites… that is, no one except Natural News. Every wonder why? It’s because the mainstream media doesn’t actually care about lead in products; they only care about attacking InfoWars or other Trump supporters.

Flu shots found to contain 350 times higher concentration of mercury than the lead in InfoWars Caveman product

I’ve also tested flu shots for mercury and found they contain 50,000+ ppb of mercury, a far more toxic heavy metal than lead. Yet the entire mainstream media says nothing at all about mercury in flu shots. Somehow, InfoWars products are portrayed as “dangerous” when they contain 143 ppb of lead, but flu shots are said to be “lifesaving” when they contain 50,000 ppb of mercury.

Flu shots are far more dangerous, too, because they are injected into the body’s tissues. The InfoWars Caveman product, in contrast, is ingested through the digestive tract. Nobody is mainlining Caveman powder. Yet that doesn’t stop the mainstream media from going all-out to smear InfoWars, even though they don’t really understand heavy metals science. (Nearly all mainstream media journalists are scientifically illiterate.) Newsweek, for example, smears Alex Jones with this line:

Jones may be just the latest in a long line of snake oil salesmen in American history, a carnival barker with magic tonic to sell. His ingenuity lies in combining anti-government conspiracy theory with a robust supplement-selling operation. The Infowars store—“a one-stop shop for the modern conspiracy theorist” … is sort of like the Vitamin Shoppe remodeled by someone who, well, listens a little too closely to Alex Jones.

…[N]ew research commissioned by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) has determined that two products sold by Jones contain potentially dangerous levels of the heavy metal lead, which is universally known to be harmful to the body.

But what Newsweek doesn’t tell you is that InfoWars could comply with Proposition 65 by simply labeling their product as a “food” rather than a dietary supplement. Foods, you see, are all exempt from Proposition 65 lead limits. Not coincidentally, I can assure you that grocery stores all across America are selling food that contain far higher lead concentrations than the 143 ppb reported for these InfoWars products.

In fact, I can walk into any grocery store in America and purchase turmeric root or ginger root in the fresh produce section, test it in my lab via ICP-MS and find higher levels of lead than 143 ppb. (Turmeric, ginger and other roots are notorious for high lead levels, usually far beyond 143 ppb.)

Interestingly, I just completed a round of heavy metals testing for bone broth products, and while they all passed with a grade of at least A++ or better, we saw over 215ppb of cadmium in the Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein Meal Chocolate Cream product. (The cadmium comes from the chocolate, not the bone broth. Lots of chocolate sources are high in cadmium.)

As I’ve detailed in my book Food Forensics, there are many spices (such as curry, etc.) which are drastically higher than 143 ppb in terms of their lead content. I once tested a mangosteen powder that contains over 10,000 ppb lead. Notably, sells lead-contaminated products all day long, yet the media says nothing about Amazon’s retailing of very high-lead products. I’ve tested many products purchased from Amazon that contain 50,000 or even 100,000 ppb of lead. (Where are all the media stories about Amazon selling toxic lead? Nowhere to be found…)

I’m going to test InfoWars products myself to see if the California lab is lying

Beyond everything mentioned above, I have a suspicion the lab in California may not be telling the truth about their test results. In the interests of real science, I’m going to test the InfoWars Caveman product myself and see what lead levels we find. If it is substantially different from what the California company is reporting, I am going to provide my lab results to InfoWars so they can pursue legal action against their accusers. (My laboratory is ISO-accredited and internationally validated, and its results are recognized by every court in the western world.)

On the other hand, if my results show similar numbers to the California lab, I’ll post those, too. But even then, these concentrations of lead are nowhere near the alert level being implied by the lying fake news media, which seems to be implying that InfoWars products will kill you. (Vaccines, meanwhile, killed at least 1,440 U.S. children last year, according to the U.S. government’s own statistics, and there isn’t a peep about that from the fake news media.)

This will be an interesting test. Most nutritional supplements manufacturers blindly accept the findings of other laboratories because they have no way of knowing whether those results are right or wrong. Yet I founded and run a multi-million dollar forensic food laboratory, so I can test this myself with extreme accuracy, and I’ll bring you those results to either confirm or challenge the other lab that’s reporting roughly 143ppb of lead.

How InfoWars could have avoided all this in the first place

Finally, despite the fact that there isn’t actually an insane amount of lead in InfoWars products, InfoWars was incredibly sloppy (stupid?) to not test their own products for Proposition 65 compliance, especially knowing that of course they’re going to be targeted with intense scrutiny by all their political enemies in California. Similarly, the Health Ranger Store is also targeted by the entire mainstream media and the biotech industry, yet they haven’t been able to find high heavy metals in our products for the simple reason that we conduct exhaustive laboratory testing on all our raw materials and finished products. (I do thank them for all the purchases, however. Keep on buying. You won’t find high lead in our products unless you spike it yourself.)

If InfoWars hopes to survive in the nutritional supplements space, they need to start using my laboratory for honest ICP-MS analysis of their raw materials and finished products. My lab — CWC Labs — is quite possibly the only lab in the world that will treat InfoWars with honesty and scientific integrity (nearly all other labs are funded by universities, governments or pharmaceutical giants). It’s bewildering to me that InfoWars hasn’t used my lab yet to test their own products before launching them to the public.

In addition to conducting lab testing, InfoWars also needs to understand how Proposition 65 really works. For example, there are three easy ways that InfoWars could have made their products Prop 65 compliant, at virtually no cost:

  1. Position their Caveman product as a “food” rather than a “supplement.” All foods are exempt from Prop 65 lead limits.
  2. Reduce the serving size on the label to one-sixth the current serving size, thus bringing the total lead intake per day to less than 0.5 micrograms.
  3. Place a warning label somewhere on the bottle that contains the California Prop 65 warning language about “this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer.” Some companies place these labels only on products being shipped to California.

The fact that InfoWars wasn’t aware of these strategies to comply with Proposition 65 — or wasn’t aware of the lead content of their product — tells me they don’t really know what they’re doing in the nutritional products space. InfoWars does have a very good claims compliance attorney that helps them avoid FDA raids and such, but the actual composition of their products needs to be immediately revisited. If they hope to survive, they need to start using an accredited laboratory, and they need to test all their finished products for lead and other contaminants. Actually, what they really need is CWC Labs certification of their entire product line, where I test and affirm each production lot and post those results independently, on

I haven’t spoken with Alex Jones since 2013, and I don’t agree with all his supplement promotion tactics and on-air product hype that seems to have turned InfoWars into a 24/7 infomercial. But in the interests of public safety, I’m happy to take on InfoWars as a lab science client if they want accurate, accredited, rapid laboratory analysis of all their raw materials and finished products. This can help InfoWars find cleaner raw materials while certifying their finished products meet or exceed all heavy metals limits that exist at the state or federal level. Can you imagine the increased value and trust to InfoWars if all their products were “low heavy metals verified” by an independent laboratory?

In the mean time, I’m going to test the InfoWars Caveman product and find out if that California lab is lying. Watch for those results to be posted at I’m going to run five tests to avoid any sampling error, by the way. Soon we’ll all find out whether this California lab is telling the truth.

Every nutritional supplement company needs to use our lab services

If any other nutritional supplement companies want to avoid the headaches that InfoWars just went through, you can also use our lab services to test your raw materials and finished products for heavy metals. Heavy metals test kits are available at the Health Ranger Store for $150 each, or you can contact us at for quantity discounts if you have higher volumes.

We conduct heavy metals tests using Agilent ICP-MS instrumentation. We use EPA-validated methodology, and all our results are ISO-accredited and recognized by the FDA as legitimate testing results. You can put these lab test results in your GMP files (Good Manufacturing Practices), and the FDA will know you are doing your job correctly. The FDA has surprise inspected our manufacturing facility twice already, and both times we have received outstanding feedback, even praise, from the inspectors.

Here’s a look at how we’re now reporting results to the public

By the way, as a side note to all this, here’s how we’re now reporting product testing results to the public for off-the-shelf products that we test. This is for a bone broth product we recently tested, where we found trace levels of certain chemicals (but the overall score is still very close to 100):

Ancient Nutrition: Bone Broth Protein (Coffee)

Testing Date: 10/3/2017
Lot Number: 36177
Sample Number:

Certified Organic:
Labeled Non-GMO:
Ingredients Rating:
Low Heavy Metals Rating:
Antibiotics / Antibacterials:
Pharmacological Drugs:
Toxicological Drugs:
Industrial Chemicals:
All testing conducted in the public interest by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center using an ISO-accredited laboratory, via mass spec technology. Consumer Wellness Center testing results explained | Manufacturers: How to dispute these results
