Liberal propaganda mouthpiece “The Atlantic” is now owned by a pro-amnesty group that wants to dismantle America’s borders

The Atlantic, which is one of the most popular left-wing magazines in the country, is majority-owned by an organization that supports granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

Back in July, David Bradley announced his plans to sell his majority stake in The Atlantic to Emerson Collective, an organization that is run by Steve Jobs’ widow and isn’t exactly discrete when it comes to their stance on immigration policy. Indeed, the official website for Emerson Collective urges their constituents to pressure their elected representatives into supporting the Dream Act, which would effectively grant amnesty to two million illegal aliens currently residing in the country.

In addition, Emerson Collective has produced a series of videos on immigration policy. “American Dreamer is a short video about a Texas teacher whose emotional story of hard work and resilience defines life in America for thousands of Dreams,” reads the description of one of the videos Emerson Collective produced. “DACA allowed Priscilla to live in America – the only home she’s ever really known – and care for her younger siblings, who are all American-born citizens.”

Although a spokeswoman for the magazine told The Daily Caller that the magazine “operates independently as it always has,” it is worth noting that The Atlantic has published several articles in favor of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, including “The Economic Senselessness of President Trump’s DACA Repeal” and “Why the Republican Party Will Come to Regret Rolling Back DACA.”

During a recent interview with Critical Disclosure radio, conservative author and filmmaker Trevor Loudon discussed the communist takeover of America’s government, and how liberals use the issue of immigration as a vehicle for the accumulation of political power. Loudon explained that most leftists, such as Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, push so hard to grant amnesty to illegal aliens because they know that the vast majority of them will vote Democrat, at which point there would be, as Mr. Loudon put it, one-party rule in America.

This is the same reason why most liberals hate the idea of building a wall along the southern border. Though they claim that they oppose it because it’s “bigoted,” it’s “hateful” or because we are a “nation of immigrants,” the truth is that they want power. They want to create a country where liberalism is the dominant ideology – the only ideology – and where conservatives are literally voted out of existence. This is why most conservatives and constitutionalists refer to the progressive left as tyrannical – they want power, nothing more and nothing less. (Related: Amnesty for illegal immigrants will turn America into another Mexico.)

One of the most common arguments that we hear in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program is that most of the people who are currently in the country illegally just came here for a better life and that it would be bigoted and heartless to send them back to where they came from. The emotional card is almost always at play when it comes to the progressives’ stance on immigration, and needless to say, it is often extremely effective. But as proven by the election of Donald Trump last November, emotional arguments in support of amnesty only go so far.

What The Atlantic and other pro-amnesty groups and organizations need to understand is that the United States has immigration laws for a reason. It is not bigoted or xenophobic to want to know who is coming into our country, why they originally came, and what they intend on doing once they are on American soil. An immigration system where anyone can travel across the border without being vetted is not an immigration system at all; it is complete and utter lawlessness.

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