Despicable people

Just when you thought liberals had sunk as low as they could, they break out the shovel and start digging.

Nothing is sacred anymore. Nothing is off limits, and everything is political. This week showed us once again there is nothing Democrats won’t exploit, no grave they won’t dance on, if they think they can score political points. And there’s nothing “journalists” won’t spin, won’t lie about, and no hypocrisy too great to prevent them from smearing their political opponents.

(Article by Derek Hunter republished from

The sad deaths of four soldiers in an ambush in Niger normally would not be a political football, but these times are anything but normal.

In the past week, a media narrative developed about how President Trump hadn’t spoken publicly about the deaths of the men at the hands of an ISIS affiliate group. This didn’t happen by accident, it happened suddenly and from multiple media outlets and “journalists,” as if it were coordinated.

“Why hasn’t Trump said anything about this?” they asked.

Of course, the White House had spoken about it the day after it happened, but since it came from the president’s spokeswoman and not him directly, this fact was ignored. Presidents don’t speak about every death in battle and never have, but this one was manufactured to be different. It was going to be “Trump’s Benghazi,” or so the media hoped.

But there were no warnings ignored, like in Benghazi. There was no 13-hour delay in sending aid. There was no blaming of an Internet video to cover up the failure of the administration to act, and no one was sent to prison for a year to aid in the re-election of the president. The only similarity with Benghazi is the body count.

But liberals never let the facts get in the way of a good story, and since they control the media there is no reason to. Human decency used to be what held back their darker impulses, but they are no longer burdened by such constraints.

When clownish Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (D), accused the president of callousness in his condolence call to the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, it was a new low for a party setting new lows at a record pace.

Calls from a president are not spontaneous. Staff calls and sets up a time convenient for both. So that Wilson was there was not a coincidence, it was planned. It was going to be a painful call to receive, as every condolence call is soon after losing a loved one. That the Johnson family was upset after it was not surprising; what was is how Wilson marched right to a receptive media to spin their grief into a political knife.

Wilson’s actions were despicable, as was the media’s adopting of her word as gospel and her tactics. Basic human decency was torched when the president’s response was portrayed as “an attack on a Gold Star family” and not what it was – a refutation of a partisan attack by an activist Democrat and media.

President Trump never has been critical of Johnson’s widow. He’s been critical of Wilson and her fellow travelers in journalism. But you’d never know that if you watched CNN or MSNBC. They are lying to their audience because, well, that’s what they do.

It’s what they did when Trump responded to the attacks of Khizr Khan at the Democratic National Convention. He never once was critical of Captain Humayun Khan, the hero who lost his life serving our country, nor did he say anything about how the Khan’s grieved. But being a Gold Star family does not grant absolute carte blanche on everything else.

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