Roy Moore: Gloria Allred won’t release controversial yearbook which proves that sexual assault allegations against him are “completely untrue”

Attorney and feminist activist Gloria Allred, who is now representing one of Senate candidate Roy Moore’s sexual assault accusers, has repeatedly refused to release to an independent examiner the original copy of a yearbook which is a central part of the controversy, proving “what they have alleged is completely untrue,” the Alabama Republican said over the weekend.

In an interview with Breitbart’s “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Moore discounted the validity of a yearbook which contains what has turned out to allegedly be the only piece of physical evidence that has been presented regarding a series of sexual assault allegations and inappropriate physical contact with teenage girls while he was an adult.

Moore, who has strenuously and regularly denied the charges, pointed to the initials “D.A.” that appear next to what is claimed to be his signature, further demonstrating that the inscription is a forgery and “complete fabrication,” according to the candidate.

As Klein noted:

At a press conference earlier this week with Allred, accuser Beverly Young Nelson claimed that she originally met Moore when he was a 30-year-old deputy district attorney in Etowah County and would regularly eat at a restaurant in Gadsden called Olde Hickory House. Moore has denied knowing Nelson.

Nelson told Allred and the media last week that Moore lent his signature to her yearbook in 1977 shortly before Christmas.

In New York at a press conference, Allred showed reporters a photocopy of the yearbook with an inscription reading, “To a sweeter more beautiful girl I could not say, ‘Merry Christmas.’ Love, Roy Moore, DA, 12-22-77, Olde Hickory House.”

During his interview with Klein, Moore discussed the initial “D.A.,” tying them to a signature on Nelson’s 1999 divorce document more than 20 years later. Moore’s signature then was followed the initials of a former assistant, Delbra Adams, who only began working with him in 1987.

Nelson did not mention the divorce case at all during her presser with Allred in NYC. She also didn’t mention that Moore was the judge whose stamped signature is on her divorce document, or that the “D.A.” initials alongside Moore’s signature are really for Adams, Moore’s longtime assistant and secretary.

Over the weekend Breitbart News contacted Adams, where she confirmed that the initials on Nelson’s divorce were hers. Also, she explained that it’s a normal procedure for a judicial clerk or assistant to put their initials on a stamped legal document in order to verify that it is legitimate.

Adams also said that she does “not believe any of this” regarding the alleged sexual assault allegations. (Related: Remember when Democrats applauded Bill Clinton despite his sexual misconduct against multiple women in the 1990s?)

“In their press statement they said that this Nelson woman had no contact with me” since 1977, Moore said in his interview with Klein. “But in actuality, we found that she had a divorce case. I signed the document. My secretary stamped the document and then put her initials out on the end of the line.”

Continuing, Moore noted: “When they forged the name onto this manual, they also included the initials of my receptionist, my secretary. Which were D.A. Delbra Adams. And certainly they forged it and this is a complete fabrication. I did not know Nelson and had never met her and still do not know her.”

Allred and Nelson are claiming that the “D.A” initials at the end of Moore’s alleged signature in the yearbook stand for “district attorney,” which he was at the time. Other legal analysts have also expressed skepticism about Moore signing his name that way, especially when it involved a young woman he was planning to sexually harass.

Allred has also said her client did not say she actually saw Moore sign her yearbook.

J. D. Heyes is a senior correspondent for the Natural News network of sites and editor-in-chief of

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