Trump’s response to CNN after network said it would boycott White House Christmas party is legendary

President Donald J. Trump has not eased up one bit on “fake news” network CNN, criticizing its coverage of him and his administration and, over Thanksgiving weekend, once more questioning the news channel’s veracity.

As such, CNN executives, correspondents, and reporters have said they won’t be attending this year’s White House Christmas party. But, as Lifezette reported, that decision didn’t upset the president in the least.

In fact, when he heard about the network boycott, Trump said that was “great” because, again, the network only promotes “fake news” anyway.

As Lifezette noted further:

CNN has found itself the target of many of Trump’s social media jabs. The president directed his ire at the network on Twitter over the past several days, culminating with a Tuesday tweet claiming that CNN is one of “the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted” networks and could win the “FAKE NEWS TROPHY” of the year.

So the network won’t go to the annual Christmas celebration at the people’s house this coming Friday.

“In light of the President’s continued attacks on freedom of the press and CNN, we do not feel it is appropriate to celebrate with him as his invited guests,” the spokesperson said. “We will send a White House reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants.”

Earlier this week, Trump responded to a tweet from White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who reacted to CNN’s boycott by writing, “Christmas comes early! Finally, good news from @CNN.” (Related: Just as CNN is the king of fake news, the CDC is the king of fake science.)

The president responded: “Great, and we should boycott Fake News CNN. Dealing with them is a total waste of time.”

In fact, lest we forget, the president is not ‘attacking free speech,’ he’s attacking fake speech. Remember CNN contributor Van Jones, who was ambushed by an undercover correspondent for Project Veritas earlier this summer? As The National Sentinel reported in August, Jones called the Russian collusion story his network had been teasing and trumpeting since the election a “nothing-burger.”

“The Russia thing is just a big nothing burger,” he says.

“Really?” the undercover media operative replies.

“Yep,” says Jones.

Here’s the exchange:

Jones’ admission followed a previous one by CNN Producer John Bonifield, who called the narrative “bulls**t.”

“I mean, it’s mostly bulls**t right now,” Bonifield says in the first video. “Like, we don’t have any giant proof.”

Later, the network’s ‘media’ guy Brian Stelter said his network bosses stated that Bonifield is just a “health reporter” and has nothing to do with actual political reporting.

But Jones does a lot of political reporting. Like, that’s all he does. And even he called the narrative BS.

And there have been additional examples of a lack of honesty from CNN in its reporting of the president and his administration, especially right after the election and before Trump was even inaugurated.

How noticeable is the poor coverage? Even frequent Trump critic Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has commented on the frequency of CNN’s (and other lib media outlets) poor coverage of Trump.

“Well, I think the President feels like that CNN and every other major news outlet in this country is just unfair to the point of being over-the-top unfair,” he told network host Wolf Blitzer. “I think there’s some truth to that.”

When Blitzer defended his network’s coverage of the president as “the nature of a free press, Graham said, “But you’ve got to understand, too, that if you’re President Trump, you can’t turn on CNN or any other news network in the country without somebody beating the hell of out him.”

He noted further: “I’m not suggesting that you report the news in a way that you think is unfair, but let’s be honest about this. MSNBC and CNN is just 24 hours a day that Trump did something wrong and stupid.”

Now the network won’t go to the White House Christmas party because Trump has (rightfully) called out its biased reporting and frequent dishonesty. And the president couldn’t care less.

Read more of J.D. Heyes’ work at The National Sentinel.

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