Political oppo group tied to Hillary’s campaign tried to link Trump to hubby Bill’s pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein

When it comes to tripping up and politically disposing of President Donald J. Trump, the Deep State is stopping at nothing, including tarnishing the commander-in-chief with the horrific label of “pedophile.”

As reported by The Washington Times, opposition research firm Fusion GPS, the Democrat- and Hillary Clinton-aligned disgrace behind the infamous but unsubstantiated “Trump dossier,” pitched additional stories to reporters about the 2016 GOP presidential candidate including an attempt to link him with a convicted pedophile who was pals with former President Bill Clinton.

Journalists told the Times that Fusion founder Glenn Simpson was behind the notion that Trump had a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, who pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting sex from a girl who was underage.

The link appears to only be social — nothing on the scale of Bill Clinton’s relationship, which involved 20-plus rides on Epstein’s “Lolita Express,” the nickname for his private jet in the early 2000s. It was so-named, as Natural News reported in September 2015, because Epstein used it to ferry famous people to a Caribbean island where they were “serviced” by teenage “sex slaves.”

Whatever you think of Trump, this sick attempt to link him to something this filthy is just disgusting. But that’s the state of politics in America today, and it isn’t Trump who’s driving it, it’s the Washington political establishment that has completely lost any sense of decency or normalcy, thanks to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And yet, there were some establishment journalists who also wanted to believe the Trump-Epstein link. One of them, Ken Silverstein, confirmed to the Times that Fusion was sourcing the story. Silverstein, founder/editor of WashingtonBabylon.com, wrote his story for Vice and defended Simpson as a solid source of info that nevertheless must be confirmed.

The Times noted further that Fusion, founded by former Wall Street Journal reporters and correspondents including Simpson, has been an influential, behind-the-scenes force in the corrupt Washington cesspool. The firm has had regular access to the Capitol City’s biggest news bureaus (which helps explain why so many “mainstream” news sources these days are habitually wrong in their reporting on the Trump administration).

“Simpson, who railed against sleazy opposition research as a reporter, harbored a strong desire to bring down the builder of hotels with, well, opposition research,” the Times’ Rowan Scarborough reported.

Though Fusion reps met with The New York Times reporters during the Democratic National Convention in July, the paper was, ironically, the first to expose Fusion as the political force behind the creation of the garbage dossier, which was funded in large part by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. (Related: Dossier proves there WAS Russian collusion in last year’s election — by Clinton.)

And though the dossier had been circulated among Washington reporters for months prior to the November election, not one major outlet published its contents because nothing could be verified.

So, obviously impatient from the lack of evidence substantiating the dossier’s outrageous claims (such as Trump paid hookers to urinate on a bed at a Moscow hotel once used by President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama), Buzzfeed decided to publish it in its entirety, under the old “public has a right to know” excuse. (For that major lapse in journalistic standards, Buzzfeed is now getting its bytes sued off.)

The New York Times, I know they work with Fusion,” said Silverman, who criticizes both Left and Right. “Fusion works with a lot of big media organizations. That would give them influence in Washington.”

With the Swamp that Trump wants to drain, of course.

One journalistic source told the Times that Fusion “has filed a ton of [Freedom of Information Act] requests on Trump, especially in New York,” in its ongoing bid to find something untoward against the president.

That so-called “opposition research” firms even exist tells us all we need to know about the cretins, half-wits, perverts, and outright criminals we keep electing to “represent” us.

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

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