FBI exposed as an Obama-esque “KGB” operation to bring down America – time to disband the bureau?

Over the summer we began to hear reports of anti-Trump malfeasance involving agents and officials with the FBI and Department of Justice, the agency to which the FBI answers. In recent weeks, reports have intensified and in recent days hard evidence has emerged proving, beyond a doubt, that the FBI was overtly politicized and used by former President Barack Obama against his political enemies.

Tens of millions of Americans are dumbfounded after learning just how corrupt the FBI, especially, has become. The final straw for many was a report earlier this week that noted counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok cryptically discussed an “insurance policy” with FBI lawyer Lisa Page in a text message that also implicated current bureau deputy director Andrew McCabe.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok wrote to Page, a reference to an “insurance policy” against a Trump victory.

Andy is believed to be McCabe.

“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok added.

On Wednesday, during a House Judiciary Committee hearing featuring Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio blasted the DoJ official over that text message alone.

“This is unbelievable,” he said. “I think the public trust in this whole thing is gone.”

Later during an appearance with Lou Dobbs on Fox News, Jordan dropped another bombshell: He said he believes that text and other actions documented over the course of the past year prove once and for all that the FBI worked against the Republican Party during the 2016 presidential election cycle.

“Listen you can’t make this stuff up. It gets worse each and every day,” Jordan told Dobbs. (Related: Here’s the man who outed Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok.)

“What deep down scares me, if this actually happened the FBI had a concerted effort with the people at the top to go after one party’s nominee to help the other party’s nominee,” he continued.

“If that actually happened in the United States of America and everything each and every day points to more and more likely that that is what took place, it is sad for our country if that took place.

“And I think it did based on everything I am seeing. All the evidence points to that,” he noted.

Jordan, by far, is not alone. Tom Fitton, president of government watchdog group Judicial Watch, said he doesn’t think special counsel Robert Mueller — who is leading an investigation into alleged “Trump-Russia collusion” that Rosenstein authorized — is the country’s biggest problem.

He says it’s the FBI. And it ought to be disbanded after “it was turned into a KGB-type operation by the Obama administration.”

In an appearance on Fox News Wednesday night, Fitton added:

Fusion GPS was a Hillary Clinton campaign vendor and the DOJ was working hand and glove with it…perhaps paying them money…the suspicion is they were paying them money…top DOJ official’s wife was working with them. There was no distinction between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice and the FBI.

Forget about the FBI investigation into Clinton and Trump being compromised by these conflicts.  I think the FBI’s been compromised. Forget about shutting down Mr. Mueller…do we need to shut down the FBI because it was turned into a KGB-type operation by the Obama administration?

“It’s clear there was a nefarious conspiracy” between federal officials to defeat Trump, Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said earlier this week. But when the plot was not successful, the conspirators switched to Plan B, which he described this way: “Let’s just say there’s a crime and then we’ll just search for a crime.”

It’s time for the criminally corrupt FBI to be shut down. That’s become obvious. And it’s also time the conspirators were brought to justice by a real Justice Department.

Read more of J.D. Heyes’ work at The National Sentinel.

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