Why are lying Democrats never held accountable for lying to the FBI?

The American justice system was set up in a way that was supposed to be free from political bias, whereby the law is fairly and equally applied to every single U.S. citizen regardless of ideological background. Sadly, the justice system that we currently have is replete with corruption, and in many cases, overwhelmingly favors liberal Democrats over conservatives.

The rule of law itself has become politicized. This unfortunate reality became most apparent with the appointment of Robert Mueller to lead the investigation into the so-called “Russian collusion scandal,” which has since turned out to be nothing more than a politicized witch hunt against President Trump and his administration. The more weeks that go by, the more obvious it becomes that the Democrats really aren’t concerned about what they consider to be collusion with the Russian regime; rather, that is merely a talking point they use to destroy those who reside on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

Robert Mueller, for example, is revealing himself to be more of a political hack than a credible and honest investigator. Earlier this month, Breitbart News reported on an article originally published in the Wall Street Journal, which asserted that Mueller’s top deputy, Andrew Weissmann, attended Hillary Clinton’s election night party in New York City. In addition to partying with liberal democrats, Weissmann has also donated several thousand dollars to the Democrat Party, including $2,350 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008 and $2000 to the Democratic National Committee two years prior in 2006.

Based on all of this, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could truly trust Weissmann to work alongside Mueller to carry out a fair and honest investigation. We know that Weissmann himself is biased, so why should we believe that the investigation into Russia’s alleged meddling in the presidential election won’t be biased either? (Related: The bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” story is nothing but a political hatchet job cooked up by Obama loyalist John Brennan.)

But it’s not just Weissmann that has been tasked with investigating the 2016 election while also having an obvious liberal bias. FBI Investigator Peter Strzok, for instance, was demoted from the 2016 election investigation for exchanging anti-Trump text messages and relying on the phony Fusion GPS dossier as a launch point for the investigation into Russian election interference. Notably, Peter Strzok also referred to Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails as “careless” rather than the legal term “negligent,” which is one of the main reasons why Clinton was never prosecuted for her crimes. (Related: The Hillary emails have shown everything from pay-for-play to pedophilia.)

Another member of Mueller’s investigative team, Justin Cooper, admitted on two separate occasions to intentionally destroying Hillary Clinton’s old mobile devices with a hammer as a means of covering up evidence. Others include Jeannie Rhee, who represented Hillary Clinton in a lawsuit that attempted to gain access to her private emails, and Bruce Ohr, who was revealed to have close connections with Fusion GPS.

At the same time, while the justice system is politicized in a way that specifically targets conservatives like Donald Trump and certain members of his team like Michael Flynn, it also seems to always conveniently give liberal Democrats a free pass. The most obvious example of this is the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified emails, which despite being a federal crime was considered to be merely a “careless” act rather than “gross negligence,” and as a result, the former Secretary of State was never prosecuted. Even though Hillary Clinton should be behind bars today, she remains a free woman due to an increasingly politicized FBI and corruption within Americans justice system. This is exactly how Democrats always seem to get away with things, and until this corruption is purged from the United States government, it will sadly continue.

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