DC press corps knew for a full year Hillary Clinton was behind Russia dossier – Hid it from public

The DC press corps and prominent Washington journalists knew Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier as early as September of 2016 yet they suppressed the information and acted as if the salacious document was legit intel.

(Article by Cristina Laila republished from  TheGatewayPundit.com)


This is why Americans loathe the mainstream media.

They are nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democrats and Deep State hacks.

Paul Sperry of The New York Post said an ex-Trump campaign advisor told him prominent DC journalists admitted to him DURING the campaign they KNEW Hillary Clinton was behind the Russia dossier yet they continued to report as if the salacious document was legit intelligence!

Sperry tweeted:

Sperry: “BREAKING: ex-Trump campaign adviser says prominent Washington journalists told him DURING CAMPAIGN (early as Sept 2016) they KNEW Hillary Clinton was behind the anti-Trump dossier, and yet they SAT ON that critical information for a FULL YEAR & acted as if dossier was legit intel”

Paul Sperry then reported:

Sperry: “BREAKING NEWS: DC press corps suppressed for full year the fact that Clinton campaign paid for the anti-Trump Russia dossier. Journalists knew Clinton behind dossier as early as September 2016 & kept mum, reporting dossier’s allegations as if they were legitimate intelligence!”

They knew and they ALL LIED to the American public.

Shortly after the Washington Post published their bombshell in mid-October revealing Hillary Clinton’s camp paid for the dossier, prominent New York Times reporters came forward claiming they were lied to by Hillary’s people.

The New York Times was onto this scoop as well. Apparently when NY Time reporter, Kenneth Vogel questioned Clinton’s campaign lawyer, Marc Elias, he pushed back “vigorously” saying his sources were wrong.

NY Times reporter Kenneth Vogel tweeted, “When I tried to report this story, Clinton campaign lawyer  pushed back vigorously, saying “You (or your sources) are wrong.”

White House Correspondent for the New York Times, Maggie Haberman also blasted the lying Democrats over the debunked dossier when she tweeted, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year”

It was a rare moment of honesty by Ms. Haberman.

At the end of October, Hillary Clinton claimed she didn’t know about the Russia dossier (that her campaign actually paid for) until after Buzzfeed published the 35-page document in January of 2017.

Of course Hillary Clinton knew about the dossier. The salacious document was a failed ‘October surprise’.

Paul Sperry is the Former D.C. bureau chief for Investor’s Business Daily, Hoover Institution media fellow, author of several books, including bestseller INFILTRATION

Read more at: TheGatewayPundit.com
