White House press secretary hits back at fake news reports of “chaos” in the Trump White House; says McMaster departure report WRONG

It is well past the point that I believe anything advertised as a “bombshell” story by the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media involving the Trump administration when it first hits the wires.

Why? Because in the vast majority of cases such stories turn out not to be bombshells but rather big, fat duds. Those that aren’t wrong outright are misleading or, in many cases, published to ‘create’ a controversy where none exists or existed.

The latest example of this was breathless reporting last week that President Donald J. Trump’s national security advisor, Gen. H.R. McMaster, was on his way out the door.

The reporting — this time by NBC News — claimed:

The White House is preparing to replace H.R. McMaster as national security adviser as early as next month in a move orchestrated by chief of staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis, according to five people familiar with the discussions.

The move would be the latest in a long string of staff shake-ups at the White House over the past year and comes after months of strained relations between the president and McMaster.

A leading candidate to become President Donald Trump’s third national security adviser is the auto industry executive Stephen Biegun, according to the officials.

Well, as usual, that was ‘news’ to the White House. In an interview the following day with Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” morning show White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders flatly denied the reports and said that McMaster “is not going anywhere.”

“As the president said yesterday in the Oval Office to a number of the people, he thinks he is doing a great job and glad he is here,” she said.

Next, Sanders was asked about the alleged “chaos” within the White House, which is nothing more than the continuation of the same narrative we heard all during Trump’s first year in office — chaos, chaos, chaos!

“If this is chaos, I think the American people are glad for it. Because we just passed the biggest tax cuts in history. ISIS is on the run. We are rebuilding our military. We are rebuilding the judiciary, remaking what that looks like. The economy is strong. We have a lot of positive things happening in this country,” Sanders insisted. (Related: Father of girl killed in Florida school shooting BLASTS the American Pravda media for singular “solution” — gun control.)

White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah issued a similarly dismissive statement, saying, “We frequently face rumor and innuendo about senior administration officials. There are no personnel announcements at this time,” The Daily Caller reported.

The Washington Press Corps would love to believe their own reporting but so often the “chaos” that is attributed to the White House is nothing more than a media-driven, media-generated facade. Think about it: The only time we hear about ‘chaos’ in the Trump administration is when we’re being told that by the same Pravda media that continues to lie about this president and get reporting wrong.

If McMaster does go anywhere, he would still answer to the president; Herbert Raymond McMaster (who has a Ph.D., by the way) is still an active-duty Army lieutenant general, so he’d be back at the Pentagon doing exactly what he’s doing now — helping the president make and carry out national security policy. Or he’d be given a new command. Either way, the White House is claiming the story is, again, wrong, as so many before it have been.

This kind of irresponsible activism-journalism is killing whatever small amount of trust remained among the electorate in the press prior to Trump’s victory. If we cannot rely on the media to properly inform our decisions, then we are in dire jeopardy of losing our country to authoritarians and malcontents.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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