How the dishonest vaccine industry is demonizing groups like Texans for Vaccine Choice that try to save the lives of children

Ever since the internet came to be, members of the public have had a lot more access to information that was previously made privy only when permitted by the official media gatekeepers. While this information free-flow has benefitted the average person in many ways, it has also created a whole lot of problems for certain entrenched industries that have relied on media censorship for decades to keep the racket going.

One of these entrenched industries is the vaccine industry, and one of its foes is a group known as Texans for Vaccine Choice, a group of parents, essentially, that is now being openly attacked and lied about by vaccine companies in a desperate attempt to keep a lid on the vaccine illusion.

A grassroots coalition of everyday folks whose children have been injured or killed by vaccines, Texans for Vaccine Choice doesn’t rake in a lot of cash, considering it’s not a major corporation. It relies on small donations that it uses to help teach other parents how to protect their children from the pitfalls of vaccines – which are many, if you’ve ever taken the time to peruse a vaccine insert.

Texans for Vaccine Choice is a wholesome, honorable group of people that simply wants to inform the public about the truth – which is the exact opposite of how the vaccine industry operates. These purveyors of poison thrive on the backs of sick and dead children, and they seem willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that this highly lucrative profit stream doesn’t dry up anytime soon.

That’s why the vaccine industry has resorted to incendiary pejorative to falsely brand Texans for Vaccine Choice as an “anti-vaccine” movement of fringe lunatics who are accepting “political donations” to push their agenda.

In truth, Texans for Vaccine Choice accepted a mere $2,500 worth of cash gifts from its partners and allies that it recently gave to a candidate by the name of Susanna Dokupil, who just so happens to be running against someone who’s already received about 110 times that amount in donations from pro-vaccine interests.

Vaccine industry pays mainstream media to spread fake news about how “great” vaccines are

Mainstream media headlines are blasting Texans for Vaccine Choice for its relatively meager contributions to Susanna Dokupil. But they mention nothing about how Sarah Davis, her rival, has taken in about $144,000 from the vaccine industry, $18,500 from pharmaceuticals and “health products,” $14,750 from hospitals and nursing homes, $27,000 from “health services,” and nearly $84,000 from “health professionals.”

It kind of puts everything into perspective once you have all of this information on the table to compare, side by side. But this is how the dinosaur media rolls, and it shows exactly why access to truth on the internet is so important in this age of rampant fake news.

“Members of Texans for Vaccine Choice, like vaccine choice groups around the country, are mostly parents of children who had serious reactions to their vaccines; they DID vaccinate their children, with terrible results,” writes Alison Fujito for the World Mercury Project.

“They fight vaccination status-based discrimination, they educate Texans on their legal right to state-guaranteed vaccine exemptions, and they oppose limitation of that right. No financial profit is involved. But that’s not true of Ms. Davis’ donors; each donor listed above stands to profit from an increased market for medical interventions, from opioids to vaccines.”

The vaccine industry has also set up its own phony “grassroots” “parents” groups to deliver propaganda that counter the truth that legitimate groups like Texans for Vaccine Choice helps to spread. Wyeth created “Every Child By Two’s,” while a group of vaccine companies supports “Immunization Action Coalition” – both of which mimic the style of groups like Texans for Vaccines in an effort to trick parents into believing that some parents truly love vaccines and believe they pose no dangers.

To learn more about Texans for Vaccine Choice, you can visit the group’s website.

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