FBI statistics about concealed carry holders stopping active shooters is off by 50 percent

The Left-wing activism within the Deep State is continuing under President Donald Trump, who will need every second of both terms to drain much of the D.C. Swamp he has promised to drain.

The FBI continues to be one of the most despicable dens of the Deep State. While its leaders under Obama worked to thwart Trump’s presidency, FBI bureaucracy continues to work against the administration, the Constitution and the interests of the American people.

As noted by the Crime Prevention Research Center, founded by famed firearms researcher John Lott, the FBI recently reported that, according to its data, concealed carry holders only managed to stop active shooters a fraction of the time — 8 percent — a low statistic that, of course, was dutifully picked up by the Pravda media and parroted as “proof” that allowing citizens full use of the Second Amendment had little effect on gun crimes.

Two reports covering 2014 to 2015 and 2016 to 2017, found that there were 40 active shooter incidents during the first time-frame, and 50 during the second. During both periods, the FBI reported that two and five shootings, respectively, were halted by citizens with concealed carry permits. Both reports also noted an additional case involving a concealed carry holder who was involved but was killed by the attacker.

“For four years, the CPRC has been collecting cases of concealed handgun permit holders stopping mass public shootings,” the organization said in a news release. But CPRC researchers found that concealed carry holders intervened successfully to stop active shooter scenarios far more times than the bureau reports.

For example, the CPRC found that concealed carry holders saved lives in 13 to 16 cases during the aforementioned time-frame (2014-2017).

History of deceit

“This includes the seven cases that the FBI lists, seven cases that should have been included (one of the seven is debatable), and two cases that the FBI had on its list but doesn’t include as instances of permit holders saving lives.  Thus, concealed handgun permit holders saved lives in 13.5% to 16.5% of 97 cases,” CPRC said — double the 8 percent figure the FBI cites.

In sum, all instances of concealed carry holders intervening to save lives between 2000 and 2017 number at least 31 out of 270 incidents, Lott’s organization notes, a rate of about 11.5 percent.

This isn’t the first time the FBI has significantly under-reported instances where concealed carry holders have saved lives. (Related: Armed self-defense is a natural right … Throughout nature, all forms of life practice self-defense.)

Lott’s organization noted that the bureau’s first report covered the 2000 to 2013 time-frame; the CPRC said it found 20 missing cases where at least two persons had been killed. 

As an example, one of the cases the FBI ‘missed’ or simply failed to report on involved a concealed carry holder in Conyers, Ga., when on May 31, 2015, an armed customer at a liquor store fired back at a suspect who had killed two people. According to the Rockdale Citizen:

Rockdale County Sheriff Eric Levett said at a press conference Monday that Todd C. Scott, 44, a resident of Covington, very likely prevented other customers in the store from losing their lives.

“I believe that if Mr. Scott did not return fire at the suspect then more of those customers would have hit by a gun,” said Levett. “It didn’t appear that he cared who he shot or where he was shooting until someone was shooting back at him. So in my opinion he saved other lives in that store.”

What’s troubling here is that federal law enforcement’s bias against armed, independent-minded citizens continues to show up in official ‘research,’ which is then broadcast throughout the country by unserious, uncurious, anti-gun ‘journalists’ as fact, in order to ‘prove’ that defensive uses of guns are far rarer than they truly are. 

Thank goodness for real researchers like John Lott — and real Second Amendment reformers like POTUS Trump.

Read more about gun statistics at Guns.news.

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

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