Now Leftists say keeping children and parents together isn’t enough… OPEN BORDERS is the real goal

Earlier this month the dishonest establishment media began crafting a phony “child migrant crisis” in their latest effort to sabotage President Donald Trump’s presidency. In particular, Leftists in the media were critical of the administration’s policy of separating some migrant children from their parents.

The policy isn’t new and in fact, migrant children were being separated from their parents throughout the Obama administration. But no matter. Trump hate drives media coverage and fake news narratives.

Last week Trump relented, somewhat, to demands by the ‘outraged’ media and Democrats in Congress, none of whom have shown any willingness to solve border issues by closing loopholes with new legislation.

The president issued an executive order requiring child separation in fewer cases but he did not change his administration’s “zero tolerance” policy of prosecuting, not catching and releasing, people who cross into the U.S. illegally.

Despite the fact that Trump eased up on his child separation policy — the principal demand from the perpetually triggered Left — it made no difference whatsoever. 

Democrats and their sycophantic backers in the media still weren’t satisfied, proving once again that all they really want is open borders.

As The Daily Caller reported:

Members of the media and Democrats are unsatisfied with President Trump’s executive order temporarily ending family separations at the border and are now urging him to end his zero-tolerance policy on prosecuting people who cross the border illegally.

President Trump announced Wednesday that he would allow families to be detained together while they wait to be prosecuted for illegal border crossings. Immigration law currently requires children to be sheltered separately as their parents await trial.

So, even after weeks of complaining about “the children” — who are constantly exploited by Democrats, by the way — the media and their political allies around the country remained triggered, upset, and unsatisfied. 

No love for American citizens

“Under the zero-tolerance policy … so long as these parents are being prosecuted criminally, they will continue to be separated from their children and will be separated from their parents for at least a few days,” Natalia Cornelio, a criminal justice reform director, told MSNBC. (Related: FACT CHECK: 80% of illegal children trying to enter the United States arrive without their parents… they aren’t “separated” by ICE.)

Translation: ‘Let all migrants go.’

Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt asked what would “happen next,” saying, “this executive order does not end the zero-tolerance policy — everyone will continue to be prosecuted which puts a serious strain on resources.”

Translation: ‘Stop enforcing all immigration laws.’

During an appearance on CNN, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., whined that the order “does not reverse his zero-tolerance policy and so we’re still going to have some really critical issues to deal with relating to … families with young children.”

Translation: ‘Remove all barriers from the border so migrants can walk in freely.’

Sen. Dianne Feinstein threw in her two cents as well. The order “appears to be the next step in the Trump administration’s larger agenda to eliminate basic protections for asylum seekers.”

Translation: ‘By enforcing the law Trump is violating all migrants’ “right” to cross illegally into the country.’

Efren Olivares, a Leftist civil rights attorney, said, “How are parents going to be brought into court without being separated from their children for their criminal hearings? That’s a big question. And if they are separated, what will be the next step? How are they going to be reunited?”

His comments embodied all the above translations and added this one: ‘There should be no U.S. borders. Borders are for other countries.’

It’s maddening to see this level of disrespect for American citizens who are not asked, but told to expend scarce resources on the local level — education, healthcare, food assistance, law enforcement — to take care of people who broke into the country. But Democrats don’t care.

They need more votes.

Read more about the invasion along the southern border at

J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.

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