Slate, Salon, Huffpost all child killers and liars about vaccines… massive, coordinated cover-up exposed

President Donald Trump has been rather vocal (to say the least) about his distaste for “fake news,” which brainwashes the public into believing lies as if they were truth. And while much of it centers around the media’s false implications concerning his campaign’s alleged “collusion” with Russia, there’s actually another fake news trend that’s even more injurious than this, as it’s led to injury and death for millions of innocent children: fake vaccine news.

Vaccine truth advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of the World Mercury Project, recently published an in-depth report revealing just how deeply the vaccine industry has penetrated the popular news media – including many media outlets that are otherwise known for being highly critical of pharmaceutical industry corruption.

Many of them are oddly silent about vaccine industry corruption, even though it’s just a nefarious, and perhaps even more damaging, than that of the pill mills. Kennedy Jr. calls out a number of news outlets with which you’re probably familiar – names like The Huffington Post, Slate, Salon, and The Daily Beast, all of which have made it common practice to hide the ugly truth about vaccine industry corruption.

While Slate did recently publish and in-depth report of its own about Merck & Co.’s lies concerning its Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), even this left out pertinent details about how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deceitfully granted its approval. Like with all other vaccines, Gardasil was granted an FDA license using flawed “safety science” that, for all intents and purposes, is the exact opposite of science.

“Instead of the multi-year double-blind inert placebo studies – the gold standard of safety science – that the FDA requires prior to licensing other medications, most vaccines now on the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccine schedule were safety tested for only a few days or weeks,” explains Kennedy Jr. “For example, the manufacturer’s package insert discloses that Merck’s Hep B vaccine (almost every American infant receives a Hep B shot on the day of birth) underwent, not five years, but a mere five days of safety testing! If the babies in these studies had a seizure – or died – on day six, Merck was under no obligation to disclose those facts.”

Vaccines are NEVER safety tested against real placebos – it’s all junk “science”

Gardasil is an example often used to illustrate this point because it’s injured and killed tens of thousands of young children, many of them girls. Many media outlets that would have otherwise reported on this were it related to a pharmaceutical have remained silent – making them complicit killers in this massive cover-up of vaccine truth.

Truth be told, Gardasil and most other vaccines currently on the market have never undergone honest testing against actual placebo vaccines, which means their true efficacy is completely unknown (and largely fabricated). Intentionally flawed “studies” designed to arrive at a positive outcome are instead used by vaccine manufacturers as “proof” that their vaccines work, and this has been the standard for many decades.

“[The] FDA does not require vaccine manufacturers to measure proposed vaccines against true inert placebos, further obscuring researchers’ capacity to see adverse health effects and virtually guaranteeing that more subtle injuries, such as impaired immune response, loss of IQ or depression, will never be detected – no matter how widespread,” says Kennedy Jr.

“Furthermore, the CDC has never studied the impacts on children’s health of combining 50 plus vaccines,” he adds, emphasizing that this lack of property safety testing saves vaccine companies tens of millions of dollars annually.

For more news on how FDA-approved vaccines are harming and killing innocent children, visit

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