Trump supporters kick white nationalists out of rally; left-wing media buries the story

There is so much dishonesty regarding President Donald Trump and his supporters in today’s Left-wing establishment media and pop culture that it’s nearly impossible to refute it all. Every day brings a new fake charge of racism, bigotry, hate-mongering, and homophobia.

And while there may be some of those elements among Trump supporters – just as there are those elements among supporters of Democrats – those traits do not reflect the vast majority of them. In fact, it’s not even close.

Reminiscent of that fact is an incident that occurred at a pro-Trump rally in Louisville, Ky., on Saturday. As the rally got started a group of white supremacists attempted to join in the festivities; they were shown the exit by the pro-Trump crowd and Proud Boys, in no uncertain terms.

“Trump supporters and Proud Boys kick white nationalists out of rally in Louisville,” One America News correspondent Joe Posobiec tweeted.

Here’s another view, with one Trump supporter shouting “No racism here!” and the white nationalists being escorted away from the event by police:

The Gateway Pundit was the first to report the fact that #MAGA rally participants were expelling white supremacists. But other than that news site and some social media posts, there was silence from the disgustingly dishonest establishment media.

No doubt that other media outlets are monitoring Posobiec’s Twitter feed because journalists do that; we tend to keep up with what our colleagues are doing and saying, even if they work for a publication that is the polar opposite, editorially and politically. Point being, you can be certain that reporters from other media outlets know that white supremacists were kicked out of a pro-Trump rally.

But their audience won’t ever know that because their media outlets won’t report this incident. After all, doing so would a) be the fair-minded, honest, and right thing to do; and b) would counter their “Trump is a racist/bigot/homophobe/Nazi” narrative. (Related: MAGA Alert! POTUS Trump ditching Obama’s racist college admission policies.)

If they do report on it, it’ll be skewed and slanted in some way. The pro-Trump rally will be portrayed like, “See? See the kind of people Trump attracts? You don’t see people like that at Democratic rallies!” The fact that the white supremacists were immediately confronted and told to leave won’t be emphasized at all.

The elite media IS an enemy of the people

Speaking of Democratic rallies, we do see a lot of haters and intolerant Americans – Left-wing authoritarians who despise Trump’s supporters and who either seek to do them harm or support harm being done to them in order to silence them. They have no use for pro-freedom, pro-life, pro-Constitution points of view (all of which Trump stands for).

Rather than report on what happened in Louisville at a pro-Trump rally, the “enemy” media would rather craft a fake narrative about how POTUS Trump is “caging illegal immigrant children” and “ripping them” from the arms of their parents – that is, when children even arrive with parents.

For a month the lamestream media has claimed that there’s a “crisis” on our U.S. southwest border and the president is only making it worse because he is choosing to enforce immigration laws instead of rewarding lawbreaking by “catching and releasing” illegal border crossers.

It’s become the elite media’s latest attempt to drive a wedge between Americans and separate Trump from his supporters. And while they’ve not been successful in the latter, they most certainly have been successful at widening our already gaping political divide.

Which brings us back to the media’s mischaracterization of Trump and his supporters and their lack of interest in covering incidents like the one in Louisville on Saturday. If it doesn’t prove once again that POTUS Trump is exactly right when he proclaims the elite media to be an enemy of the people, then nothing will.

They aren’t interested in the truth. They’re interested in advancing their Left-wing agenda.

Read more about the lying fake news media at

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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