uncovers industry scams, Big Pharma lies and government atrocities

When it comes to reporting on any kind of corruption, the mainstream media tends to drop the ball. These days, most of the media is owned by somebody who knows somebody: Look at the Washington Post, which is now owned by Jeff Bezos. Left-wing extremism has all but taken over the legacy media — and tech giants like Facebook and Google are making it even easier for the extremists to tout their agenda-driven narratives as “truth,” while blatantly ignoring corruption at the highest levels whenever it’s convenient.

Look no further than the vaccine “debate” for proof of that: The CDC has literally thrown out evidence that vaccines harm children, and yet, even daring to question what’s in vaccines is what ultimately earns public scorn.

Fortunately, independent media still exists — and at, you can read about the greatest acts of deception and collusion by the legacy media, big businesses, big government and more. In a world where corporate interest rules, the independent media stands as one of the last barriers between freedom and total tyranny. Censorship (and all the things that follow) are the ultimate byproducts of corruption at every level — and staying informed, aware and independent are some of the best tools for defense.

Deep state operatives at the FBI plan treason

A shocking investigative report by the Inspector General, covered by, recently revealed that James Comey, Peter Strzok and other deep state operatives inside the FBI and DOJ actively plotted to engage in acts of treason against the United States.

According to the report, FBI agent Peter Strzok planned to “stop” Trump from becoming president. And as Natural News founder Mike Adams reports:

Furthermore, that admission by Strzok was surreptitiously deleted from the texts the FBI previously handed over to the Congress, demonstrating yet again that the FBI is engaged in a massive cover-up to hide its own role in committing treason against America. (The FBI, in other words, is engaged in obstruction of justice to cover up its own criminal behavior.)

The report also uncovered the fact that former FBI Director James Comey was using a secret, illegal email account to conduct official FBI business —  just like criminal Hillary Clinton. Recall that even after Clinton ordered the evidence of her crime to be destroyed, James Comey publicly exonerated her for acts that would have landed virtually anyone else in jail.

It was also revealed that FBI agents were trading information leaks for free food and free tickets to events. The IG report states:

[We have] identified numerous FBI employees, at all levels of the organization and with no official reason to be in contact with the media, who were nevertheless in frequent contact with reporters… [FBI agents were] improperly receiving benefits from reporters, including tickets to sporting events, golfing outings, drinks and meals, and admittance to nonpublic social events.

Corruption is everywhere

The tales of corruption don’t end with government, unfortunately. Another article details how Monsanto paid off a food science journal editor — and that he was on Monsanto’s payroll when a shocking study about Roundup herbicide’s toxic effects was unceremoniously retracted. The study by Gilles Seraline found Roundup was extremely toxic, even in minute amounts.

Food and Chemical Toxicology editor A. Wallace Hayes had a “consulting agreement” with Monsanto. As writer Isabelle Z. explains, Hayes “oversaw” an unnamed group of other editors who “reviewed” Seralini’s work. In a letter, Hayes explained that while Seralini’s study was not “fraudulent,” he felt the data was “inconclusive” and did not meet their  standards. Internal emails from Monsanto tell a different story, however.

You can see more coverage of lies, deceit and other misdeeds at

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