Fake news MSNBC contributor accidentally utters the truth, then catches himself and backtracks to the demanded fake narrative

A prominent media pundit recently let it slip that Attorney General Jeff Sessions did not, as many mainstream media outlets are now claiming, “join in” on a “Lock Her Up!” chant that occurred during a recent speech he gave at a high school leadership summit in Washington, D.C.

In case you missed it, the leftist media is on another lying binge, claiming that Sessions participated in the iconic chant started by now-President Donald Trump while on the campaign trail, and in reference to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Some of the students in attendance at the Sessions event reportedly began to repeat the chant, prompting Sessions to laugh from the podium and quote the phrase.

But he was merely repeating it nonchalantly to acknowledge that he heard what the students were saying. At no time did Sessions actually engage in the chant as an active participant – though this has been the headline news being reported by fake news outlets like MSNBC, which recently petitioned its in-house justice correspondent, Pete Williams, to comment on the false allegations.

In the video clip found at this link, watch as Williams answers a question posed to him by MSNBC reporter Hallie Jackson: “Here we are in 2018, and those ‘Lock Her Up!’ chants are still going, Pete; what’s your reaction to that?” – refuting it, then sort of backtracking, and then refuting it again.

“Well, I guess that was a memory reflex for him,” states Williams. “I’m not sure that he joined the chant. He seemed to be saying that he recognized it,” he adds, quickly adding the caveat – to placate his employer, apparently, “But, remember, this was something that he did join, as you know so well, Trump campaign chants in 2016 when the crowds would yell, ‘Lock Her Up!” referring to Hillary Clinton.”

Williams then immediately adds, “But I guess he was sort of recognizing it to himself. That’s how I see the take … but I’m sure, as he said, it’s familiar to him.”

No matter what the Trump administration does, the leftist media finds something wrong with it

It’s almost as if Williams was afraid to state unabashedly and with conviction that the liberal media is once again making a mountain out of a molehill, at best. At worst, it’s engaging in yet another deliberate disinformation campaign of made-up fake news intended to rile up the Democratic voter base in anticipation of the upcoming mid-term elections.

The leftist plan of attack still seems to be one of spreading as many lies as possible in the hopes that it will lead to some kind of Democratic “blue wave” this fall. Williams kind of blows the lid on that by admitting that all of this Sessions nonsense is just that – nonsense. And if you look closely, you can see the glare in Jackson’s eyes as she doesn’t get the pre-programmed narrative response she expects.

There’s plenty of things to criticize when it comes to the behavior and policies of Jeff Sessions, including his aggressively ignorant stance in opposition to cannabis. But his casual reiteration of his audience’s chant isn’t one of them.

This is just more desperate grasping at straws by the Left to keep the leftist voting base in a constant state of triggered rage against the current administration. Sessions could have reprimanded his audience, declaring Hillary Clinton to be a perfect saint, and the liberal media still would have found something wrong with which to invent a different controversy.

It’s what the fake media does, after all – create as much division as possible to keep leftists perpetually angry at President Trump. But the questions remains: How long will people keep falling for it?

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