Yes, the media really is the ENEMY of the People (new video from Adams)

After maliciously lying about President Trump in tens of thousands of fake news articles that have driven America to the brink of civil war, the “media monopolists” now claim it’s wrong for Trump to talk about how evil they are.

While the media can freely criticize, smear, defame and slander Donald Trump, Alex Jones or any other independent media voice, they absurdly claim that any criticism of the media is “an attack on the First Amendment.” Media monopolists have a unique, guaranteed right to lie with impunity, they claim, and no one is allowed to question anything the fake news media reports (CNN, WashPost, NYT, MSNBC, etc.).

In this Counterthink video, I explain why the media is the true enemy of the People, and why it’s time for the federal government to take action to halt their election fraud and malicious efforts to overthrow the President of the United States. Today’s media is acting not just as the enemy of the People, but as the enemy of America. So-called “journalists” are actually seditious traitors trying to carry out an illegal coup against a duly-elected President.

Read this outstanding overview of the situation at All News Pipeline.

Hear more details in my Counterthink video at:

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