SHAMELESS! BuzzFeed, CNN and the Daily Mail all caught in blatant news LIE about Attorney General Jeff Sessions

For all of the legitimate things that there are to criticize about the man, Attorney General Jeff Sessions clearly didn’t chant “lock her up!” — a reference to failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — during a recent speech he gave at a Turning Point USA event for high school students in Washington, D.C. But this is what the “fake news” brigade is now falsely claiming.

BuzzFeed, CNN, MSNBC, and even The Daily Mail (U.K.) all joined in on publishing nearly identical – almost like they planned it? – fake news stories claiming that Sessions, who merely acknowledged the fact that his audience was chanting “lock her up!” actually chanted it himself. Watch the YouTube video below, published by CBS News, to see for yourself what happened with your own eyes and ears.

You’ll notice that Sessions begins to chuckle upon hearing the chant, perhaps surprised that this younger audience would say it at an event where President Trump was not even present. Sessions then repeats the phrase, as if to simply acknowledge it, and proceeds to explain that he remembers hearing it chanted plenty of times throughout the campaign.

To describe Sessions and his reaction using terms like “laughingly joins,” as MSNBC did in a July 24 tweet, is nothing short of deceptive. Same for CNN‘s Manu Raju, who falsely claimed in a tweet that Sessions had “participated in a chant of ‘Lock her up.'” And let’s not forget the New York Post, which stated that Sessions “chanted ‘Lock Her Up!’ along with the high school students.”

MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle tweets about Hillary’s “innocence” in hilariously desperate social media rant

Many others, including NBC News and BuzzFeed, engaged in similar deception, with multiple reporters and pundits repeating like parrots the narrative that Sessions “joined in” and “chanted” the “lock her up!” phrase while laughing maniacally. Once again, all it takes is less than one minute of a person’s time to see, based on the video footage, that Sessions did no such thing.

But this is obviously a sensitive subject for the liberal media, which is easily triggered by the mere mention of this famous chant. That’s because it serves as a powerful reminder of the many crimes committed by Hillary Clinton that have yet to face justice.

The Left is clearly nervous that President Trump’s support base hasn’t forgotten about the missing emails, the Benghazi scandal, the Clinton “body count,” PizzaGate, and many other Clinton crimes that deserve one lengthy prison sentence – which is all summed up in those three simple words, “lock her up!”

The mainstream media is clearly in denial about all of this, insistent that Clinton is an innocent victim of political bullying. MSNBC‘s Stephanie Ruhle is one such misguided soul, who in a follow-up tweet to the fake Sessions scandal made the implication that Hillary Clinton has done nothing wrong.

“While Attorney General Jeff Sessions chants “LOCK HER UP” Let’s remember – Benghazi investigation 4yrs – NO INDICTMENTS, Clinton email investigation 2yrs – NO INDICTMENTS.”

Ruhle then goes on in the same tweet to perpetuate the Russian collusion conspiracy theory, insinuating that President Trump belongs in prison rather than Hillary Clinton.

“The full list of known indictments & plea deals in #MuellerProbe 35,” the tweet concludes.

This is quite the tall order, considering that the Clinton/Obama justice department remains riddled with criminals, all of whom belong in prison themselves. James Comey, Peter Strzok, Robert Mueller, and many others are all guilty of politicizing the justice department and flouting the law, though Ruhle doesn’t mention a word of this.

For more news on MSNBC‘s lies, visit

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