Fake news CNN plants “regretful” Trump voter in attempt to claim POTUS is losing his base

In recent months CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta has regularly whined about POTUS Donald Trump’s regular labeling of his network as “fake news.”

Other journalists and networks have come to Acosta’s and CNN’s defense because most of them are all like-minded group thinkers in that a) they’re Leftists; and b) they are affected by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But the latest stunt pulled by Fake News Central (CNN) proves yet again that POTUS is right: The network traffics in the unreal, the bogus, the fabricated.

In recent days the network held an on-air ‘forum’ as it has in the past featuring ‘average’ Americans who backed the president in 2016 to see if they’re still supportive of him or if their support has wavered or is now gone completely.

CNN doesn’t use these “Pulse of the People” forums to promote POTUS Trump for the most part, of course, because almost all of their Left-wing on-air talent (a term used very loosely) has Trump Derangement Syndrome and wouldn’t praise the president if he cured cancer and discovered the secret to 100 percent free clean energy.

According to podcaster Vince James, via Infowars, one recent forum participant was planted by the network to claim that, woe is he, support for the president has vanished.

The guy’s a committed socialist/Leftist/Marxist who has never supported the president.

In James’ Podcast, he features the portion of CNN’s Pulse of the People broadcast depicting six alleged Trump supporters from key states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. The host asks all of them if they are “just as excited today [18 months into the Trump presidency] as you were” when they voted for him.

Three of the six raise their hands, while one of those, a gentleman, blurts out that he is “maybe more so” excited than when he first cast his ballot for POTUS. One of the three is also a black gentleman.

Host Alysin Camarota then asks the forum if anyone regrets voting for the president; only one (the plant) raises their hand.

Camarota questioned the man – “Jeremy” – why he felt that way.

“In my mind, I think he’s a monster, a bigot, I think that he’s doing a lot of things to ruin people’s lives…I think that he’s taken this country in the wrong direction, and it’s a terrifying time for me,” he responded. (Related: HA! Trump SHUTS DOWN Jim Acosta at UK presser: ‘He’s fake news’.)

CNN to be forever known as the fake news factory

James then showed screenshots of Jeremy – which he was led to by people who know Jeremy – indicating he’s the farthest thing from a Trump supporter as you can get.

One featured him looking into what was probably his smartphone camera with the hashtag #ProudSocialist adorning the photo.

Next James played a video clip of Jeremy discussing the Las Vegas shootings and calling for firearms to be banned outright – a very non-Trump position.

He said that if recent mass murderers “did not have access to those weapons, all of those people would still be alive. It has nothing to do with terrorism, it has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with the fact that they were able to have those. Combat weapons should be just as hard if not harder to get than illegal drugs.”

Jeremy then went on to ask his followers if they support ownership of such firearms to “kindly remove” themselves from his list.

James noted that Jeremy has “locked down” his Twitter and other social media accounts after more people were identifying him as an anti-Trump Leftist.

To believe that CNN simply had no idea that this ‘Trump supporter’ was fake is a stretch beyond any reasonable imagination. They knew – and that’s why he was added to the forum.

There is no way CNN will ever shake it’s ‘fake news’ label by continuing to broadcast and print (online) fabrications.

Read more about CNN’s fake news fakery at NewsFakes.com.

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