Why is the corporate media actively covering up radical Islamic terrorism and pretending it doesn’t exist?

As the sham of “political correctness” spirals out of control, the corrupt mainstream media is now deliberately covering up radical Islamic terrorism. Over the last several weeks, multiple terror attacks have been carried out across Western nations — yet reports on these tragic incidents have been few and far between. Nations affected by recent but unreported acts of terrorism include Canada, Australia and Sweden — and in the United States, the growing threat from Antifa, a radical left-wing organization, is also widely ignored.

Writing for The Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther reports that multiple acts of terror are happening around the world, but that concerns about political correctness seem to be keeping the legacy media from actively reporting on the truth. “[M]ainstream media outlets in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the U.S. are reluctant to report the stories without a pro-immigration bias, quietly glossing over the common thread in the attacks. Extremists with ties to Northern Africa seem to be waging a war, but you won’t hear this from the media or the respective governments,” she contends.

In some instances, the mainstream media is simply referring to these incidents as “gang violence.”

Wave of terrorism strikes the Western world

On July 23, 2018, two people were killed and another 13 were injured in a Toronto restaurant shooting. CBS News reported that that officials had not ruled out terrorism as a motive, but that there was “no indication” it was a terrorist attack at the time. However, as Luther reports, it turns out that ISIS readily took credit for the attack, which was carried out by a man named Faisal Hussain. Hussain’s parents were Canadian citizens originally from Pakistan, though he himself was born in Canada. Hussain reportedly took his own life during a shootout with police.

A statement from Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale declared, “At this stage, based on the state of the investigation, which is led by the Toronto police service, there is no connection between that individual and national security.”

But it turns out that law enforcement officials did find evidence that Hussain was at least interested in ISIS. As CBS later reported:

But a law enforcement source told CBS News that Faisal Hussain visited Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) websites and may have expressed support for the terrorist group. They were looking into whether Hussain may have lived at one time in Afghanistan and possibly Pakistan, the source said. There is no indication that Hussain was directed by ISIS to carry out the attack.

The web of lies surrounding the incident only grew more tangled from there: Reports of a statement from the family, citing Hussain’s struggles with mental illness, were later found to be untrue. As Luther reports, it turns out these statements didn’t come from Hussain’s parents, but from a man identified Mohammed Hashim.

Hashim is “a professional activist who served as chairman of the “Stronger Together” program of the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM, previously known as the Council of American Islamic Relations Canada, or CAIR CAN).”

CAIR CAN’s parent group is CAIR — a known terrorist organization. Changing an organization’s name does not change its history.

Media blackouts happening everywhere

Luther reports that another incident unfolded in Australia, with Sudanese-Australians causing chaos in a Melbourne neighborhood. Police ordered residents to “stay inside and lock their doors,” while simultaneously telling the rest of the public that there was “no risk to public safety.” Those statements are clearly at odds.

In Sweden, the situation is even more dire: Reports indicate that police who speak out about migrant extremists are disciplined for “inciting racial hatred,” making it near-impossible to report on what’s really going on. Across two cities, more than 80 cars were set on fire, alongside other acts of vandalism. USA Today reported on the crimes, calling it “gang violence.” Par for the course when it comes to reporting on “politically incorrect” topics, to say the least.

Media blackouts on terrorism of all kinds is the new normal: Even here in the U.S., Antifa, a left-wing hate group, gets a free pass on their acts of violence.

See more coverage of what’s really going on in the world at Censored.news.

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