Cover-up: Not one “mainstream” media outlet covered Trump campaign figure Papadopoulos’ stunning revelation that Obama’s DoJ set him up

Not a day goes by that the “mainstream” media – the Washington, D.C. Beltway establishment outlets – don’t prove once again that they are liars who are guilty of journalistic malpractice.

The latest example of this came late last week after one-time minor 2016 Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was sentenced to a paltry 14 days in prison and ordered to pay a $9,500 fine for ‘lying’ to federal agents who were involved in the “Spygate” scandal.

CNN and ABC News actually brought him on to speak about his experiences – with the Trump campaign, with special counsel Robert Mueller, with the ‘justice’ system, and with those who he felt set him up.

In particular, Papadopoulos told the Left-wing networks that the Obama-led Deep State used a longstanding CIA asset, Stefan Halper, to spy on the Trump campaign via the former adviser.

“I received an unsolicited email from Stephan Halper who I thought was a Cambridge professor inviting me. So, he reached out and said I want you to write a paper for me,” Papadopoulos said, The Gateway Pundit reports.

“I joined him about a week later over drinks at the hotel in London where all of the sudden he pulls out his phone. Everyone has phones when they meet with me and he places it in front of him and he begins to tell me, ‘So George, of course, hacking is in the interest of your campaign. Of course, the Russians are helping you.’ These open-ended questions, and, ‘Of course, you’re probably involved in it too. That’s correct right?’” he continued.

It was at that point he felt like something was really wrong with the entire situation.

Fox News host Bret Baier later tweeted, “Papadopoulos says when he tells Halper ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about’ at a bar on q’s about hacking & Russians & collusion-Halper ‘began to sweat-his demeanor changed-he became aggressive-his tone changed like I was lying to him.”

Later, it became crystal clear that Papadopoulos was set upon by the Obama Deep State to be a patsy and to help the regime ‘legitimize’ its fake narrative that POTUS Trump’s campaign was acting in concert with a foreign government to ‘steal’ the presidency.

Willfully keeping Americans ignorant

And yet, aside from those few media sources, “not one single liberal outlet is carrying the story that Papadopoulos was set up by an Obama DOJ spy, not one,” TGP reported after doing a Google search for related stories. (Related: CONFIRMED: Papadopoulos was framed by deep state Obama operatives, then exploited to frame POTUS Trump.)

By refusing to report what happened to this unsuspecting campaign advisor, the “mainstream media” is once again being selective about what it will and will not tell the American people. Based on our experience, we don’t doubt for a second that had Papadopoulos claimed he was working in cahoots with Moscow with the blessing of POTUS Trump, that story would have led broadcasts and headlines for a week.

The disgustingly dishonest media has been trying for more than two years to claim that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia, but they have yet to find any evidence. All they have are allegations and innuendo; no evidence has been found because no such evidence exists. (Related: Another day, another BS Trump-Russia ‘collusion’ conspiracy theory from a Washington Post writer.)

“Collusion” between Mother Russia and Trump didn’t happen. But it did occur between the Hillary Clinton campaign and Russian sources.

In an interview with Fox News in March, House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said the committee found “no evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians.”

That said, the committee found “clear links” between the Hillary Clinton campaign and Russians, but of course, that didn’t interest the dishonest establishment media.

A large number of Americans actually believe that something occurred between Moscow and Trump that did not happen – because they have been so poorly informed by the ‘free press.’

Read more about how the media serves as Democratic propaganda at

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