The Left-wing establishment media ignored a mass shooting in Maryland because the killer wasn’t a white male

There was a mass shooting in Maryland last week – the state’s second one this year – but relatively few Americans know about it because the disgustingly dishonest establishment media didn’t spend much time on it.

A cynic might say it’s because the shooter was a black female.

According to reports, Snochia Moseley, 26, was a temporary employee at a Maryland Rite Aid distribution center who co-workers and friends described as “nice” – before she walked into work last Thursday with a gun, killing three people and wounding three others before turning her weapon on herself.

“She had reported for her workday as usual, and around 9 a.m. the shooting began, striking victims both outside the business and inside the facility,” Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler said. “We do not at this time have a motive for this senseless crime.”

An employee of a furniture logistics firm next door to the distribution center, Mike Carre, said he tended to a wounded man who came in bleeding from his leg. He said that the wounded man told him Moseley “just came in in a bad mood this morning.”

“He said she’s usually nice,” Carre recounted. “But today, I guess it wasn’t her day. She just came in to pick a fight with someone.

“She pulled out a gun and she just started shooting at her co-workers,” he added.

Others said they heard Moseley “picking a fight” with someone at the time clock before the shooting started.

While it’s not clear why Moseley committed her mass shooting, the fact that Democrats and the “mainstream” media have been silent about it speaks volumes. (Related: NRA’s Dana Loesch reveals why the so-called “journalists” at CNN are some of the lowest forms of life walking the planet today.)

Earlier this year, Jarrod Ramos walked into the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis with a gun, shooting and killing five people while injuring several others. In the aftermath of that shooting, Left-wing media types and ‘progressive’ Democrats repeatedly blamed POTUS Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association, as well as pro-Second Amendment conservatives, early and often.

As Fox News reported:

Reuters Breakingviews Editor Rob Cox admitted that he “responded emotionally and inappropriately” after being called out for jumping to conclusions prior to the facts emerging. Police said the suspected gunman, eventually identified as Jarrod W. Ramos, targeted the newspaper after a lengthy feud regarding a 2012 defamation lawsuit.

“This is what happens when @realDonaldTrump calls journalists the enemy of the people. Blood is on your hands, Mr. President. Save your thoughts and prayers for your empty soul,” Cox wrote in the deleted tweet, according to The Wrap.

Cox later apologized for his tweet after it was reported that Ramos had a long-standing grudge with the Capital Gazette dating back long before POTUS Trump was elected.

Where’s the Democratic outrage?

Other Leftist media types also piled on the ‘blame Trump’ wagon. The founder of Think Progress, Judd Legum, claimed, “Ramos does appear to be a Trump supporter. Tweeted positively about a big Trump lawsuit against the media.” He referenced a 2015 tweet that didn’t have a single thing at all to do with politics as his ‘evidence.’

Users quickly and massively mocked him, but he left the claim up and as of this writing has not deleted it.

Democrats especially have also been highly critical of other mass shootings that have involved white killers, blaming them on the NRA, Trump, conservatism, and, of course, the Second Amendment.

But this time around, because Moseley doesn’t fit their politically motivated, anti-gun and racist narrative, they’ve got nothing to say.

Unhinged Democrats and their equally unhinged supporters have repeatedly blamed POTUS Trump and Republicans for “dividing” the country. The fact is, with everything they say and everything they do, it’s the perpetually angry Left that has been the main driver of our irreconcilable differences.

Their selective outrage over guns and mass shootings is just one way they prove it.

Read more about the Left’s hypocrisy over mass shootings at

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