Did Christine Blasey Ford perjure herself? Ex-boyfriend says she coached a friend for polygraph and had NO fear of flying

The more time that passes following last week’s hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in which both Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh gave testimony, we are learning more about the fine judge’s accuser.

As Breitbart News reported, an ex-boyfriend of Ford’s is refuting her claims under oath and under penalty of perjury that she is afraid of flying or has an irrational fear of small spaces and rooms with only one exit.

Further, the California man who said he dated Ford for six years said she once used her psychology training to coach a friend in preparation for a polygraph test.

Breitbart reports:

In a sworn statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee dated Tuesday, the California man claims to have met the then-Christine Blasey “in 1989 or 1990,” then had been romantically involved with her for about six years from 1992 to 1998. In that time, he claims to have witnessed Ford, then studying psychology, coach a close friend as she prepared for government administered polygraph exams. Fox News’s Shannon Bream posted a redacted version of the letter on Twitter…

The man’s allegations are at odds with testimony Ford gave last week, in which she claimed to veteran sexual assault prosecutor Rachel Mitchell that she “never” gave “tips or advice to somebody looking to take a polygraph test.”

As to the flying, the former boyfriend also said that Ford was in the air frequently, which included trips on small prop-driven aircraft without any complaints or any hint of being uncomfortable over the entire course of their relationship. The man also said he had no indication she was scared or otherwise nervous about rooms with only a single exit.

“Ford’s claims that phobias of these things have plagued her since the early 1980s as a result of a 17-year-old Kavanaugh attacking her have been central elements of her story,” Breitbart reported.

The ex-boyfriend also said in the letter that Ford never talked about being a sexual assault victim in all the years they knew each other. What’s more, she never mentioned Kavanaugh by name at all. (Related: Mitch McConnell vows: GOP ‘will not be intimidated’ by unhinged Kavanaugh haters.)

NOT a sworn denial

In the end, he said their relationship went south after infidelity on her part as well as credit card fraud. He did say that he “finds Ford believable,” but didn’t “want to become involved” with the investigation (or the ensuing Democrat clown show).

Breitbart reported that it wasn’t clear when the Senate Judiciary Committee came into possession of the letter. But the fact that Mitchell asked Ford specifically about coaching someone to pass a polygraph test sounds a lot like a question derived from prior knowledge.

Now, what will come of it?

For her part, the friend of Ford who she allegedly coached, Monica McLean, broker her silence Wednesday after reports spread through social media that the ex-boyfriend witnessed the coaching.

Through a lawyer, McLean issued a blanket denial – but to ABC, not the Judiciary Committee and certainly not under oath.

“I have NEVER had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at any time,” she said.

McLean attended Holton Arms School in Maryland with Ford and is one of 17 women who signed a letter vouching for her honesty.

But then, McLean is a retired Fed – she worked for the FBI and Justice Department for 24 years and is now a consultant in the D.C. area, The Gateway Pundit reports. So it would make sense for her to deny the allegation.

Ford’s allegations have substantial memory gaps. Witnesses she claimed were present when Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her have said they weren’t there and know nothing about the incident.

And now these major holes in her statements.

Maybe there’s a criminal indictment in her future rather than vindication.

Read more about Kavanaugh’s confirmation process and how the White House is handling it at  WhiteHouse.news.

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