Nancy Pelosi describes “wrap-up smear” tactic to destroy conservative targets like Brett Kavanaugh

If you are someone who thought that the sexual assault allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh smelled like a Democratic setup the whole time, pat yourself on the back because you were right.

Having the allegations surface after the Senate Judiciary Committee’s initial confirmation hearings, having a Democrat bring them, and having them brought after Dem senators had an opportunity to meet with and question Kavanaugh in private (which many refused to do) seemed like reason enough to believe the allegations of sexual assault were politically motivated, or at least part of a scheme.

But something House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said last year proves that’s exactly what Kavanaugh experienced: A political hit job taken right out of the Democrat playbook.

As Infowars notes, Pelosi even described the tactic during a press conference in 2017.

“We call it the ‘wrap-up smear.’ You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it,” she said.

“And then you write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made,” she said.

These Democrats are some pieces of work, aren’t they? Doesn’t that sound exactly like what just happened to Brett Kavanaugh? Oh, and his family? The smear doesn’t just end with the ‘target,’ it spreads to his wife and kids, too.

Infowars notes:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sat on a letter by Christine Blasey Ford accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, which then “mysteriously” found its way to the press (after the initial hearing took place), where the Democrats then “merchandised” the ordeal into a public spectacle against the wishes of Ford, resulting in the circus show that was supposed to be a dignified confirmation hearing.

But this time, the American people and Senate Republicans saw right through it, and now Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court Justice.

This behavior is treated as normal by Democrats

Politics has long been called a “blood sport,” but what the Democrats just did to Kavanaugh was unprecedented, even for them. (Related: No, not all women should be believed: Study shows false sex assault reports higher than stated.)

The last time they besmirched the otherwise stellar reputation of a Supreme Court nominee with allegations of a sexual nature was when they used Anita Hill to smear then-nominee Clarence Thomas. But by today’s standard, Hill’s allegations (which were equally disingenuous and uncorroborated, same as those against Kavanaugh) were tame.

Women Democrats dug up to throw mud at Kavanaugh espoused allegations of groping, of Kavanaugh sticking his member in a girl’s face, and orchestrating a “rape train” for other guys by spiking punch with grain alcohol and drugging girls. Not a single allegation was substantiated and even an additional FBI probe – Kavanaugh’s seventh – did not turn up any evidence that cast even a shadow of doubt on the nominee.

But the fact that this kind of behavior is treated as normal and even permissible by a political party is despicable. The fact that it’s part of the Democrats’ standard operating procedures when dealing with political opponents is appalling.

Unfortunately, there are too many Americans who see nothing wrong with this because they are Democratic supporters and because no one is smearing their good name or ruining their reputation. It’s all fun and games as long as it’s happening to conservatives and Republicans.

The real damage, however, that Democrats are doing is to our political system, which is the objective. The goal is to make the process so distasteful, so unappealing that good people – the very people we all should want in positions of power – will stay away because they don’t want to be put through the same kind of hell.

That means what we’re mostly left with are hacks, opportunists, criminals, and jerks, the majority of whom find their way into Democratic ranks.

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