NBC goes full RACIST, says the problem with America is “white women”

There isn’t a day that goes by when someone on the Left, be it a politician, a social or political commentator, an entertainer, or an academic doesn’t accuse someone on the right of being “racist,” a “bigot,” or a “-phobe” or an “-ist.”

The Left, which once fought against stereotypes when they were the ones being stereotyped, today has no problem doing the same thing to conservatives.

But when a Leftist speaks about an issue of the day, particularly a politician or someone in the media, they have no problem singling out white people as the cause of it in a way, were whites doing the same thing to people of color, the outrage would be palpable (and legitimate).

The confirmation process of Justice Brett Kavanaugh brought out the very worst in the Democratic Left, and at a time when legions of Americans didn’t think the party could sink much lower. After the “mainstream media” promoted baseless, uncorroborated allegations of sexual assault 36 years ago, many of which were refuted outright by named ‘witnesses,’ the establishment press is now looking to blame someone for Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Well, certain demographics anyway: White women.

NBC News didn’t have much credibility anyway, but after the Kavanaugh debacle in which Democrats severely overplayed their hand, the network has now gone full-blown racist. (Related: The Kavanaugh Effect: Here’s what happens NEXT (and why you should get ready.)

In an op-ed for the network’s website, Sophia A. Nelson blames white Senate women for Kavanaugh’s confirmation, as though identifying with accusers simply because they both share the same chromosome is a better way to conduct a confirmation process than an evidence-based endeavor:

For weeks, President Donald Trump, Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans and women like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway have repeatedly sought new and inventive ways to defend the indefensible, moving heaven and earth to protect white privilege and patriarchy. 

This effort was sadly exemplified by the speech Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, gave on Friday afternoon. Collins’ decision to vote to confirm Kavanaugh put a dispiriting exclamation point on something I’ve known for quite some time: The Republican party has turned its back on women.

Nelson, a person of color, went onto claim what many of these women who are hating on Kavanaugh (and white people) claim: That they were abused when they were younger so naturally accusers like Christine Blasey Ford have to be believed (even when four people she claims were witnesses said they knew nothing about the incident).

These are made-up Democratic narratives

But we don’t really know whether she was or wasn’t. It’s becoming, shall we say, quite ‘fashionable’ to be a victim in this #MeToo time, which is frustrating because when every woman claims she was abused, nobody is believed. And never mind that research proves a high number of women who make such claims were, in fact, never assaulted or abused.

As for the stone-cold racism, this is becoming a trademark Leftist fallback position. Because something didn’t go their way, then it must be because of “white privilege” or “hatred of women” or some other non-provable, nonsensical construct.

The Republican “war on women” is like every other Leftist claim of victimhood — it is a political creation, a myth perpetuated by the like-minded media in order to feed a false narrative aimed at empowering Democrats.

Nelson’s claims that Republicans have disregarded women fly in the face of the reality that POTUS Donald Trump, that dog, that lecherous abuser of women, won a majority of their votes in 2016.

Nelson’s fixation on race and gender miss the larger point that liberals always do: Not everyone thinks like them, and not everyone has the same pent-up anger about gender and race and politics.

The ‘white women’ of the Senate who voted to confirm Kavanaugh believed, as did a Senate majority, that the preponderance of evidence did not indicate he had done what he was accused of doing. But because of the ‘nature’ of the allegations and the color of his skin, he must be guilty.

Come to think of it, isn’t that the way whites used to treat people of color like Nelson?

Read more about the lunacy of the Alt-Left at AltLeft.news.

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