How Microsoft is engineering massive, nationwide criminal election fraud with the help of a shady browser plug-in called “NewsGuard”

There’s a “new kid” on the emerging tech block that’s really just an old kid trying to reinvigorate its dying corporate name by developing new Big Brother web tools aimed at controlling and censoring the free-flow of information online: Microsoft.

As we’ve been reporting, the Bill Gates empire has introduced a new browser plug-in known as “NewsGuard” that basically tags all mainstream news outlets in search results as “trustworthy,” while designating all independent news outlets as “fake.”

Harmeet K. Dhillon from the Republican National Lawyers Association, writing for The Daily Caller, recently highlighted the introduction of NewsGuard, warning that it gives all of the usual suspects in fake news a “green check mark,” while tagging any and all websites that question whatever fake news narrative is circulating on a given day a “red exclamation point,” signaling that they’re “untrustworthy.”

“Who are the approved ‘green check mark’ news sources? The left-leaning, establishment media outlets you would expect: CNN, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and so on,” writes Dhillon.

“These are the same sites that rushed to publish dozens of demonstrably false stories about Catholic high schoolers harassing a Vietnam veteran – and wound up putting those teenagers and their families in the crosshairs of a vicious internet hate mob – and then, largely refused to apologize for getting the story completely wrong,” he adds, referring to the infamous Covington Catholic High School hoax.

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The good news is that NOBODY uses the Microsoft Edge web browser

As is explained in more detail at, NewsGuard was developed in partnership with “a propaganda and fake-ratings research firm that uses pseudo-journalists to create fake news filters as further promotion of misinformation and disinformation coming from today’s top 7,500 news sources.”

“Their trained analysts review online news brands to help propaganda mass media rule the internet by censoring, banning, abolishing, and bankrupting legitimate journalism that supports and propels healthy eating, natural medicine, sustainable farming practices, critical thinking, individualism, self-reliance, and of course, the Constitution,” the entry adds.

When it comes to food, for instance, the NewsGuard plugin actually contains a “Nutrition Label” function that promotes genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) as safe and healthy, as well as processed foods and really anything produced by commercial farms and feedlots that are centered more around profit than growing healthy food.

Microsoft has even put together a “SWAT” team of analysts whose job it is to track down anything that Microsoft deems as “fake” or “misleading” in order to add it to its list of “untrustworthy” content.

“NewsGuard (NG) tells you right in your browser that any real news is fake,” explains.

“They’ve even provided a plugin for fools to install in their Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari browsers (all Communistic-style search engine filters) in one simple click. This allows NG to control your searches, including on social media, using the 1st grader-style idiocy of green and red ratings to indicate if what you’re looking at is properly categorized under their propaganda umbrella or not.”

The good news with all this is that pretty much nobody uses NewsGuard, nor is anyone using the novel web browser recently released by Microsoft, known as “Edge,” that contains NewsGuard automatically built-in to its functionality.

“The latest estimates suggest that only a little over 2 percent of internet users browse with Edge,” Dhillon explains. “Google’s Chrome, by contrast, accounts for half of the entire U.S. browser market.”

Be sure to check out for more about how Big Tech is trying to control the internet, and thus people’s minds, with Orwellian tech creations like NewsGuard.

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