03/12/2021 / By News Editors
4/7/20 Update: Several hours after publishing this article, Twitter deleted Greenmedinfo, an account with13 years of good standing. We believe this was coordinated and in direct retailation for us calling out CCDH for publishing a digital hitlist as reported below. Read our latest report here: “Twitter Deletes GreenMedInfo’s 13-Year Old Account after Calling Out CCDH’s Digital Hit List”
(Article by Sayer Ji republished from GreenMedInfo.com)
An organization calling itself ‘The Center for Countering Digital Hate,’ has published a digital hit list of ten health freedom advocates, including Greenmedinfo founder Sayer Ji and his wife Kelly Brogan, MD, calling for their canceling/deletion from social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
In the past few days, censorship across the natural health and health freedom community has ramped up, including the deletion of our Greenmedinfo.com Instagram account (for the second time), the functional disabling of both our Sayer Ji and Greenmedinfo Youtube channels, and the deletion of Kelly Brogan, MD and the National Vaccine Information Center’s professional Facebook accounts.
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the increased targeting, silencing and vilification of those individuals and organizations who reference open source, evidence-based data which call into question the presumed safety and effectiveness of the experimental mRNA COVID vaccines and/or advocate for natural and safer alternatives to pharmaceutical interventions, in general.
Facebook has removed the NVIC, another page spreading vaccine misinformation run by Barbara Loe Fisher.
But Facebook has allowed the NVIC to carry on spreading misinformation on @Instagram, which it owns.@Facebook it's time for action across your platforms. pic.twitter.com/McU6B6tR9z
— Center for Countering Digital Hate (@CCDHate) March 3, 2021
[Note: clearly someone at CCDH can’t count, as this is a list of 11 and not 10 “anti-vaxxers.”]
In response to the CCDH’s twitter post above, we asked the following question:
“You’ve posted what appears to be a digital hit list. Do you not see anything ironic about this considering your brand is “countering digital hate”?”
An hour later, the Greenmedinfo.com Twitter account which has been in good standing for 13 consecutive years was deleted without reason, nor recourse.
Feel free to leave your own comments or questions to the CCDH Twitter post as well. Some of the more appreciated ones can be viewed below.
According to a revealing exposé published by Dr. Mercola (hitlist member), titled, ‘Spy Agencies Threaten to ‘Take Out’ Mercola, the CCDH is part of a campaign by British and American intelligence to eliminate “anti-vaccine propaganda” from public discussion using sophisticated cyberwarfare tools.
Dr. Mercola writes,
“According to Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, anti-vaxxers are “an extremist group that pose a national security risk,” because “once someone has been exposed to one type of conspiracy it’s easy to lead them down a path where they embrace more radical world views that can lead to violent extremism”
Among the websites cited by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate as promoting extremism that poses a national security risk to the U.K. are Mercola.com, Children’s Health Defense, the Informed Consent Action Network, the Organic Consumers Association and the National Vaccine Information Center.
According to an article first published on Off-Guardian written by Iain Davis titled,”Inside The Center For Cancel Culture And Digital Hypocrisy, Part 1,” the CCDH is using the “anti-vaxx” label and propaganda to sow division and animosity within the public:
“CCDH vaccine propaganda is focused upon polarising opinion. This fake division is created through CCDH disinformation. Like many propagandists before them, they deal in inaccurate, empty generalisations. They hope to convince their consumers that anyone who ever questions a vaccine must be a nutter. The same dross was recently promulgated the UK Conservative Prime Minister.
By misleading people that there is no scientific basis for some vaccine scepticism, nor any legitimate concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy, the CCDH are creating fake social divisions in the hope of building real ones. In order to achieve this aim, the CCDH assert that anyone who asks any questions about vaccines is driven by hate and is therefore an extremist who threatens public health, ultimately posing a threat to national security.
They are creating the ludicrous, fake bogeyman of the public health terrorist. The alleged anti-vaxxer as subhuman, a vile, hateful extremist. They are “other.”
Johnson thinks anyone who questions vaccines is a nutter, unlike him
The CCDH propaganda narrative on vaccines is part of a wider slew of nonsense which underpins government efforts to censor the internet and freedom of speech. In the UK we were due to get our first clear sight of the legislative censorship grid with the arrival of the Online Harms Bill.”
As I pointed out in a previous article titled, “Vaccine Extremism, Hate Speech, and the Well-Beaten Path Towards Genocide,” the rhetoric organizations like CCDH are engaged in promulgating, characterized by dehumazing, hateful and even violent messages targeting those exercising their basic human and health rights, bear concerning resemblance to previous phases of human history marred by genocide.
The call to end discussion and to silence/cancel individuals who ask questions or present information that counters or challenges the media, corporate, or government narratives is highly concerning if there is to be any hope for the freedom of speech in the future.
Join our Telegram channel here: https://t.me/sayeregengmi
Dr. Mercola has written an excellent article on the CCDH’s campaign to shut down our vocies here: Dr. Mercola Defamed by Digital ‘Anti-Hate’ Group.
Read more at: GreenMedInfo.com and Lies.news
Tagged Under: CCDH, Censorship, Center for Countering Digital Hate, digital hit list, free speech, GreenMedInfo, Journalism, mainstream media, Social media