04/25/2021 / By S.D. Wells
Treason is defined in the Constitution as levying war against the US or ‘adhering’ to its enemies. More than a dozen US journalists, from nearly every mass media (fake news) outlet, including CNN, NYT, MSNBC, WaPo, and more, have been caught red-handed in a pay-for-play agreement with the Communist Chinese Party. The journalists all agreed to write positive pieces about Communist China, in exchange for lavish trips around the world.
As the Biden Regime sets the stage for turning America into a Socialist hell-hole, Communist China has plenty of ‘job openings’ for American journalists who can paint a pretty picture of the Chinese Communist Tyranny for all the dumb, brainwashed Americans who suck down their corn sugar, prescription medications and mass media fake news, all day and night.
That’s right, CUSEF trips are being traded for positive media coverage by US journalists who can say that the CCP is a peaceful, loving, thriving way of life and governing that can help America heal from all its damage from Trump, or whatever.
The shill journalists busted themselves by identifying themselves as accepting CUSEF trips, as noted in their disclaimer at the bottom of their articles: (Disclosure: My trip is being paid for by the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a Hong Kong-based nonprofit that aims to improve Americans’ understanding of China.)
These are just the shill journalists who are dumb enough to bust themselves, and only represent the tip of the iceberg for the traitors who will now write anything they are told to write, and do. No more talking mean about the CCP, who take political and religious prisoners and harvest their organs for black market medical trading.
No criticizing the country that creates more pollution than any other, by far. The treasonous shills are out to tell Americans that communism is good, so just relax and get your dirty mRNA vaccine series. From op-eds to shared articles, the treasonous shills are complimenting the CCP’s handling of Covid-19.
These criminal journalists are literally pushing propaganda that can destroy America. We supposedly fought the war in Vietnam to stop the spread of communism from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. Then we supposedly were so overtaken by Russian communist influence in 2016 that Trump won the election because of it.
Now, we’re all supposed to suddenly believe that communism, coming from China instead of Russia, is ‘A-Okay’ and just grand for America. Let’s all collaborate and do things like they do, over there, in China. Let’s all complement them and support communism in the press, is the message from the treasonous shills. It’s time for these people to be tried for treason and sentenced accordingly. They’ve already admitted their own guilt and published it for the world to see.
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Tagged Under: anti-America, bias, CCP, Chinese communists, CNN, communism, Communist Chinese, deep state, democrat communists, disinfo, fake news, Journalism, journalist treason, news media, nyt shills, propaganda, shills, treason, WaPo