11/27/2021 / By News Editors
It is one thing for Joy Reid and the crew at The View to wring their hands over the acquittal of the Kyle Rittenhouse. They are idiot sock puppets of their corporate masters, Comcast and Disney, respectively. If they ever utter something sane, they will be pulled off the air.
(Article by Don Surber republished from DonSurber.Blogspot.com)
But the world’s most self-important news organization in the world, the Associated Press, ought to be celebrating that the presumption of innocence and the American judicial system saved an 18-year-old man from mob justice. Instead, AP sides with the mob.
Then again, AP should have played it straight in covering the trial. The ejection of objectivity by American journalists is an acknowledgement that liberty won’t survive under globalism. We are all Peng Shuai now. American journalists are all LeBron James acting angry and self-righteous as they cower before their new masters.
AP’s coverage of the trial was terrible. Its post-trial coverage is worse.
An example is “Rittenhouse acquittal tightens the political vise for Biden” by Aamer Madhani.
He wrote, “A difficult political atmosphere for President Joe Biden may have become even more treacherous with the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse.
“Biden was already facing sliding poll numbers with an electorate worn down by the coronavirus pandemic and increasing inflation. Now, the president finds himself caught between outraged Democrats — some of whom were already stewing over Biden’s inability to land police reform and voting rights legislation — and Republicans looking to use the Rittenhouse case to exploit the national divide over matters of grievance and race.”
Poor Biden.
Everything bad seems to happen to him.
The story also said, “The acquittal of Rittenhouse has touched off new conversations about racial justice, vigilantism and policing in America. The Illinois teen armed himself with an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle during an August 2020 protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, days after the shooting of a Black man by a white police officer. He said he came to small city to help protect a car lot from vandals and provide medical aid.”
Not mentioned in the story was the fact that rioters indeed burned the car lot to the ground, destroying $2.5 million worth of vehicles.
The Democrat mayor ordered police to stand down.
The Democrat governor refused to send the National Guard to protect Kenosha.
A man stepped forward to try to protect his father’s town.
The story said, “The verdict in the case comes at a moment when Biden is trying to keep fellow Democrats focused on passing his massive social services and climate bill and hoping to turn the tide with Americans who have soured on his performance as president.”
Poor, poor pitiful he.
Another AP story said, “Hundreds protest Rittenhouse acquittal across US.”
The headline originally said, “Windows smashed in downtown Portland Rittenhouse protest.”
AP is fanning the flames of racial division in the United States at a time when the races have never been more united.
‘Tis the power of the press to destroy America.
Or try.
Then there was “Black Americans see biased system in Rittenhouse verdict.”
The story said, “Activists have previously pointed to differences in how police handled Rittenhouse’s case and that of Jacob Blake, the black man who was shot by a white Kenosha police officer in August 2020, sparking protests in the city that became destructive and violent.
“Video footage played during the trial showed Rittenhouse running toward police still wearing his rifle, and continuing past the police line at officers’ direction. He turned himself in to police in Antioch, Illinois, early the following day.”
The story failed to mention that Blake was armed and confronting police while Rittenhouse was fleeing a mob of violent rioters.
I get that a few people are angry about the verdict. Lots of people are angry about lots of things. I just don’t get why a few angry activists get a story addressing their grievances while the shopkeepers whose businesses were destroyed by those activists never get their side aired.
Justice prevailed in Kenosha, while journalism failed.
Read more at: DonSurber.Blogspot.com
Tagged Under: AP, biased, disinfo, fake news, Journalism, left cult, lies, news cartels, propaganda, Rittenhouse, self-defense, shootings