News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
House Republicans bust up secret ‘impeachment’ hearings to demand Democrats release witness transcripts they know will exonerate Trump
As the current minority party in the House, Republicans don’t have a lot of power. They can’t control proceedings, they can’t decide what legislation gets brought to the floor for a vote, and they can’t stop majority Democrats from changing long-standing rules and procedures to their advantage. But that doesn’t mean that Republicans are completely […]
By JD Heyes
Obama administration was informed by State Dept. official about Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal in Ukraine but ignored it
In a revelation that adds more to the mountain of evidence that exists proving the Obama regime was the nation’s most corrupt ever, a report Thursday noted that the previous administration was alerted to concerns about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine but they were summarily ignored. As reported — surprisingly enough — by the […]
By JD Heyes
In the age of President Trump, everyone who disagrees with “America First” is now deemed a “Russian asset”
Recently, two-time presidential loser Hillary Clinton delighted her shrinking fan base, infuriated Democrats, and made everyone else scratch their heads after she claimed that 2020 Donkey Party presidential contender Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii was a “Russian asset” who is being groomed by Moscow to make a “third-party run.” “I’m not making any predictions,” Hillary […]
By JD Heyes
LOL: CNN says anyone who says anything that might align in any way with Russian views is a Russian asset, all to cover for Hillary Clinton
We’ve known for some time, like tens of millions of Americans, that CNN is a pathetic ‘news’ network in the tank for Democrats and especially certain Democrats, like Bill and Hillary Clinton. But the network’s correspondents continue to play the role of Democrat propagandists even when it doesn’t have to because, well, they just can’t […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing media PRETENDING Obama never exerted any influence over foreign nations now claim Trump is a criminal for engaging in diplomacy
The fake “Ukrainegate” scandal fire got some gasoline thrown on it by White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on Thursday when he admitted something that everyone in the Washington press corps knows already: Presidents use their influence to extract favors and concessions from the leaders of foreign countries when it suits them. In other […]
By JD Heyes
After being exposed as a Left-wing anti-Trump propaganda machine, CNN to be sued by President Trump
Despite the fact that we have a constitutional right to free speech and expression, that doesn’t mean there aren’t legal limitations on what we can and cannot say. For example, our right to free speech stops when it comes to harming or potentially harming others. It’s against the law nearly everywhere to yell “Fire” in […]
By JD Heyes
Linguistic analysis proves the media is running the exact same talking points as Democrats running for office
If you’ve ever listened much to conservative talk radio behemoth Rush Limbaugh, you’ve heard him play montages of media types all mouthing the same thing when it comes to how they discuss certain political issues. They frame the issue the very same way. They use the same phrases. They use the same words. They all […]
By JD Heyes
CNN’s “media coordinator” admits network is nothing but anti-Trump all the time, no serious effort made to report unbiased content
We’ve been working for more than two years to expose the deep state, media-driven fake narrative of “Russian collusion” regarding President Donald Trump for the fake story that it is. There’s never been any evidence that Trump and Vladimir Putin ‘conspired’ to “steal” the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton because there was never a plot […]
By JD Heyes
Schiff made it all up: There are no whistleblowers… criminal coup effort relies on endless series of fabrications from deep state Dems
For more than a few weeks we’ve been told that a “whistleblower” from the CIA claims President Trump made inappropriate demands of the Ukrainian president in July when the two spoke regarding “dirt” on former Vice President Joe Biden, who is running for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. Though the president and the White House […]
By JD Heyes
Secret trials, secret witnesses, secret proceedings… “impeachment” nothing but a deep state kangaroo court like you’d see in a Third World country
It’s now obvious that Democrats and their allies in the propaganda media are engaged in a full-court press to get President Donald Trump impeached and thrown out of office before a series of damning reports and, we hope, indictments involving the Obama-era “Spygate” coup attempt. As The National Sentinel reported on Sunday, Democrats have scheduled […]
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