News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Google caught in yet another blatant lie, claims it doesn’t blacklist websites from its search results
In predictable fashion, one of the world’s largest tech platforms and most profitable Internet advertising companies continues to have a problem with honesty when it comes to questions over its manipulation of search data. And ordinarily, while lying about such a thing wouldn’t necessarily be a problem for the company, a Google representative recently told […]
By JD Heyes
Our corrupt “mainstream media” played a HUGE role in covering up for billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein
How is it possible that a jet-setting billionaire who happens to be a serial pedophile get away with it for so long without more Americans knowing about it? Two reasons: Power, and a complicit media. Most people aren’t aware of this, but Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested over the weekend and charged with several counts […]
By JD Heyes
Pathetic mainstream media attempting to tie POTUS Trump to serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein when it’s Bill Clinton who took LOTS of trips on the “Lolita Express”
It’s become obvious since Donald Trump won the presidency that the so-called “mainstream media” has become obsessed with casting him in a negative light. Beginning with something like 95-percent negative coverage in the first several months of his presidency, the Washington establishment press hasn’t let up. No matter what happens, if it’s bad, untoward, illegal, […]
By JD Heyes
Google’s CEO accused of LYING to Congress, so why haven’t armed FBI agents roused him out of bed in a pre-dawn raid?
When a proper history of the Obama administration is finally written, it will reveal just how corrupt our 44th president really was and how he weaponized and politicized our governing institutions to do the bidding of the Deep State. What’s more, Barack Obama exposed for all who care to see the fact that we have […]
By JD Heyes
She’s delusional! Rosie O’Donnell claims the Trump administration is running “over 100,000 concentration camps” in the U.S.
Leftists in Hollywood — and they are legion — have lost their minds since Donald Trump knocked off the worst, most corrupt, and most criminally investigated presidential candidate ever, Hillary Clinton, in 2016. Worse, they seem to be resigned that the president is going to cruise to reelection in 2020, given the manner in which […]
By JD Heyes
Project Veritas bombshell report exposing Google’s likely illegal election meddling completely ignored by the “mainstream” media
In the age of POTUS Donald Trump, the so-called “mainstream media” obsesses over every tweet, every word, every statement, and every action looking to find some angle, some new way to attack him. When they believe they find a ‘good one’ — like falsely claiming he preferred the white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va. because, you know, […]
By JD Heyes
Judge approves a “special prosecutor” in Jussie Smollett hate hoax case; criminal charges against Smollett a possibility
Just when former “Empire” star Jussie Smollett, he of the recent famed Chicagoland anti-Trump hate crime hoax, thought he was going to get away Scot-free thanks to a politicized Cook County prosecutor, the fickle finger of fate reached out and touched him. You may recall that, for the better part of February, the country was […]
By JD Heyes
Fake news: MarketWatch’s claims that Alex Jones was successfully sued for defamation and that he authored book on Sandy Hook are massive lies
On Tuesday the website MarketWatch ran an Associated Press story with this headline and subhead: “Father of Sandy Hook victim wins defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones; Alex Jones is the host of the conspiracy-driven Infowars website and wrote a book titled, ‘Nobody Died at Sandy Hook.’” Both of those statements are out-and-out lies. First, a […]
By JD Heyes
Kelly Weill, the Daily Beast reporter who wrote hit piece leading to Facebook ban of Natural News, has history of falsely accusing conservatives of being racists, bigots, and “white supremacists”
A reporter for The Daily Beast whose recent article falsely accusing Natural News of being a sham news site and its founder, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, of being a conspiracy theorist has a long history of regularly — and wrongly — portraying conservatives as racists, bigots, and “white supremacists.” Kelly Weill, whose recent stories for […]
By JD Heyes
It’s time to stop pretending that “mainstream media” reporters are real journalists: They are Left-wing political activists and journo-terrorists
The news profession has been trending to the Left for decades now, but in the age of Obama and POTUS Donald Trump, reporters have increasingly eschewed their journalistic credentials in favor of donning their Left-wing political activist caps. One of the most recent examples involves April Glaser, a Slate correspondent serving as an operative for […]
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