News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Avian bird flu suddenly becomes COW FLU as dairy farms begin culling animals to destroy the domestic food supply
It wasn’t long ago when the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) declared that cow farts and cow burps were contributing significantly to “global warming.” In 2006, the IPCC called on all nations to reduce methane emissions from agriculture, notably from cows. Today, globalists are investing in startups that genetically engineer cows […]
By Lance D Johnson
Satanic billionaires are funding thousands of “journalists” to promote the global Net Zero depopulation agenda
Satanic billionaires are publishing their plans for humanity, right out in the open. A new report from the Earth Journalism Network (EJN) sheds light on a vast global grooming program that targets mainstream media journalists, activist organizations and “independent” journalist to parrot climate doom propaganda. This initiative, funded by green billionaires, heavily emphasizes the promotion […]
By Lance D Johnson
SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY DESTROYED: Fauci’s NIAID received $690 Million in kickbacks during his COVID-19 vaccine mandates
A bombshell lawsuit has forced the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to release information they kept concealed regarding royalty deals the government health agency made with private industries and foreign bodies. Mr. Anthony Fauci’s flagship agency – the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), was the main beneficiary of these kickbacks. The NIAID […]
By Lance D Johnson
Florida grand jury provides a second interim report documenting crimes committed during the COVID-19 scandal
In December 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis requested a statewide grand jury to investigate the crimes against humanity that took place during the covid-19 scandal. The grand jury is investigating whether “pharmaceutical manufacturers (and their executive officers) and other medical associations or organizations” engaged in “criminal activity or wrongdoing” in regard to “their involvement in […]
By Lance D Johnson
Chemtrail conspiracies have become reality, as corporate media sells geoengineering as the solution for climate change
Once considered “conspiracy” theory” by the entire corporate media, geoengineering is now being lauded as the solution for climate change. For years, the media was used to gaslight the public about this reality and coverup this mass experimentation in the skies. These geoengineering experiments are conducted without human consent, and they adversely affect the environment, […]
By Lance D Johnson
Pfizer issues apology after British regulator pushes back against their COVID-19 vaccine fraud
A British government regulator – the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) – confronted Pfizer about their fraudulent, harmful COVID-19 vaccines. The regulatory agency ruled that Pfizer promoted an “unlicensed medicine” that “brought discredit” on the pharmaceutical industry. The PMCPA, established by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, found that Pfizer breached five […]
By Lance D Johnson
Climate change data is based on FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back against the narrative
In an attempt to save the world from “climate change,” the United States government is spending trillions of dollars on multiple projects that rely on dishonest marketing tactics, money laundering schemes, insider trading and crony capitalism. At the root of the climate crisis hysteria is data FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back […]
By Lance D Johnson
Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies
A group of climate activists from Los Angeles, California are teaming up with climate billionaires to control Hollywood scripts and promote climate doom propaganda through movies and television. The climate activist group – which goes by the name “Good Energy” – is looking to partner with Hollywood writers to infuse climate change narratives into movie […]
By Lance D Johnson
The six-foot social distancing rule was nothing but FRAUD weaponized against the people, and its architects are finally being exposed
When former President Donald Trump gave the national podium to Dr. Anthony Fauci in March of 2020, a bizarre edict was presented to the public — an edict that would go on to generate mass hysteria and societal upheaval. This authoritarian new edict – the six-foot social distancing rule – was pushed onto the American […]
By Lance D Johnson
More and more climate scientists favor HIGHER CO2 levels because they benefit plant life
When weather events naturally occur, the climate change cult correlate the hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves and floods with an abstract concept called climate change. Scary climate change propaganda permeates the airways, and we’re never quite doing enough as a collective to solve this crisis! Carbon dioxide is portrayed as the boogeyman, the ultimate pollutant bringing […]
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