News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
HUGE: World War III escalates as corrupt US officials seek to protect their criminal operations and bioweapons research in Ukraine
The US government continues to escalate world war with Russia, while contributing to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The Biden regime has sent over $100+ billion to Ukraine, including a variety of munitions and weapons, with plans to send tanks, jets, and other weapons, with no resolve. The US, going out of their way to […]
By Lance D Johnson
Cardiologist ignores medical literature, claims MSNBC host’s sudden myocarditis and pericarditis came from the common cold
An MSNBC host recently suffered through a serious case of myocarditis and pericarditis that was initially misdiagnosed as acid reflux. After a series of hospitalizations, the host’s personal cardiologist went on her show to claim that her life-threatening case of myocarditis and pericarditis came from the… common cold. Dr. Greg Katz of NYU Langone is […]
By Lance D Johnson
The FDA works for Pfizer, helps fast track their drug approvals in an anti-competitive way
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proven time and time again that they are incapable of properly regulating the pharmaceutical industry. In the latest Pfizer drug approval, the FDA proved that they work for Pfizer and helped fast track a drug approvals in an anti-competitive way. FDA regulators recently reached out to Pfizer, […]
By Lance D Johnson
Dr. Paul Offit is angry he was lied to about the covid jabs
One of the biggest cheerleaders for vaccination is Dr. Paul Offit, the Director of the Vaccine Education Center and an attending physician in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. As a member of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, Offit helps the FDA make decisions on vaccine approval for […]
By Lance D Johnson
A new law in British Columbia JAILS doctors who spread “misleading information”
New legislation coming out of British Columbia (BC) targets and JAILS doctors who do not go along with forced injections and other nefarious mass murdering narratives that have been pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Bill 36, the Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), gives the Health Minister […]
By Lance D Johnson
Twitter is currently reinstating 62,000 accounts that were wrongfully targeted and censored by authoritarian Leftists
Right now, Twitter is in the process of reinstating thousands of accounts that were previously censored and targeted for wrong think. Approximately 62,000 accounts, each with over 10,000 followers, are currently being reinstated. Seventy-five of the reinstated accounts had over one million followers at the time they were suspended, and one of the accounts had […]
By Lance D Johnson
Elon Musk threatens to release Twitter’s emails related to the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story
Elon Musk is now threatening to release Twitter’s internal communications related to the suppression of the Hunter Biden “Laptop from Hell.” When the story first broke in the lead-up to the 2020 election, Twitter and the rest of the Big Tech cabal suppressed the information and labeled it “harmful misinformation,” quashing bombshell evidence of crimes […]
By Lance D Johnson
Voting machines FAILING in Maricopa County amid heavy Republican turnout… every attempt is being made by Dems to DENY or DELAY Kari Lake’s victory
Voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona are having “tabulator malfunctions.” Dr. Kelli Ward reports “BIG problems” with “tabulator malfunctions” in at least six places. She warns, “DO NOT PUT YOUR BALLOT IN ‘BOX 3’ TO BE ‘TABULATED DOWNTOWN.’” She is advising voters to find their next nearest polling place at http://Maricopa.vote because Maricopa’s downtown tabulators […]
By Lance D Johnson
EU governments contracted with Pfizer, knowingly exposed healthy populations to UNKNOWN adverse events, while protecting Pfizer from any claim of adverse events
At the onset of the covid-19 scandal, governments around the world signed liability-free contracts and indemnity clauses with companies Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson. These companies were commissioned to develop experimental, genetic interference injection programs (covid-19 vaccines) even before the causative agent for covid-19 was identified. An investigation into the supply contracts finds […]
By Lance D Johnson
Media propaganda and “equality of outcomes” brainwashing makes people believe things that aren’t even close to the truth
The corporate media is financially incentivized to project a false version of reality — brainwashing the public to accept falsehoods as truth. Big Tech reinforces these falsehoods by shadow banning, blacklisting and censoring the actual truth. The actual truth is often mislabeled as “misinformation” while the real misinformation is promoted by algorithms and advertised as […]
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