News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Voting machines FAILING in Maricopa County amid heavy Republican turnout… every attempt is being made by Dems to DENY or DELAY Kari Lake’s victory
Voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona are having “tabulator malfunctions.” Dr. Kelli Ward reports “BIG problems” with “tabulator malfunctions” in at least six places. She warns, “DO NOT PUT YOUR BALLOT IN ‘BOX 3’ TO BE ‘TABULATED DOWNTOWN.’” She is advising voters to find their next nearest polling place at http://Maricopa.vote because Maricopa’s downtown tabulators […]
By Lance D Johnson
EU governments contracted with Pfizer, knowingly exposed healthy populations to UNKNOWN adverse events, while protecting Pfizer from any claim of adverse events
At the onset of the covid-19 scandal, governments around the world signed liability-free contracts and indemnity clauses with companies Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson. These companies were commissioned to develop experimental, genetic interference injection programs (covid-19 vaccines) even before the causative agent for covid-19 was identified. An investigation into the supply contracts finds […]
By Lance D Johnson
Media propaganda and “equality of outcomes” brainwashing makes people believe things that aren’t even close to the truth
The corporate media is financially incentivized to project a false version of reality — brainwashing the public to accept falsehoods as truth. Big Tech reinforces these falsehoods by shadow banning, blacklisting and censoring the actual truth. The actual truth is often mislabeled as “misinformation” while the real misinformation is promoted by algorithms and advertised as […]
By Lance D Johnson
White House Nutrition Advisor creates “Food Compass” that vilifies whole foods while promoting junk like Lucky Charms
In today’s neurotic, upside-down world, good is often labeled as evil and evil is often advertised as virtuous, so it’s no surprise that the White House “Nutrition Advisor” would declare that synthetic, sugary foods like Lucky Charms and Frosted Mini Wheats are healthier than whole foods and fresh meats. Joe Biden’s latest appointee to nutrition […]
By Lance D Johnson
Unethical Wuhan virology (bioweapons) experiments may be moving to Boston, Massachusetts, with new grants issued to Peter Daszak and covid-19 conspirators
The very network of people who off-shored gain-of-function coronavirus experiments in Wuhan, China are now the people getting financial rewards and bringing similar controversial virology research back to the United States. Boston University will receive a $1 million grant to take on unethical, gain-of-function virology research at their controversial Bio-safety Level-4 facility — the National […]
By Lance D Johnson
COVID vaccine causes hundreds of deaths in South Africa, but the government has only recognized a single death
The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) finally confirmed the region’s first death from the COVID vaccine. The agency has investigated hundreds of medical reports of vaccine-induced deaths, but they refuse to acknowledge that the vaccine had any involvement in the deaths. Right now, the agency concedes that only one of the deaths is […]
By Lance D Johnson
Smoking gun: U.S. government, CDC colluded with Google, Twitter, Facebook to censor important information about experimental covid vaccines
America First Legal (AFL) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to investigate unconstitutional acts between the federal government and the Big Tech social media platforms. AFL obtained 256 pages of communication between the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Google, Facebook and Twitter. These pages document egregious violations of the US Constitution and provide […]
By Lance D Johnson
Desperate media trying to keep covid delusion alive, but hospital officials reveal it’s all “hype”
More than two years have passed since the “national emergency” was first declared, and hospital administrators are having a harder time going along with the narrative. Now, one of the largest hospital systems in Southern California finally diverted from the narrative. At a recent press conference, Brad Spellberg, chief medical officer of Los Angeles County […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC FRAUD: Emails confirm that CDC officials fraudulently changed the definition of “vaccine” to force needless mRNA injections onto the population
Locking people down in their homes, taking their jobs, and threatening their livelihoods was never enough. To force the population to take part in needless genetic experiments, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also had to change the definition of “vaccine” and “vaccinated” to manipulate more individuals to comply with their ill-gotten authority. Newly uncovered […]
By Lance D Johnson
Black market for body parts exists in America… funeral home operator just charged in criminal scheme
A black market for human body parts exists in America. A Colorado funeral home was able to traffic body parts for nearly a decade. From 2009 to 2018, Megan Hess and her mother Shirley Koch operated a “nonprofit organization” called the Sunset Mesa Funeral Foundation. Now these operators are being charged in a federal court […]
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