News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 “science” conspiracy theories in full effect right now
For decades, the skeptics of vaccines and pharmaceuticals have been hammered with the same old ‘mantra’ that everything created in a laboratory, since the 1950s, is “safe and effective.” Yet, we’ve all seen the damage done by vaccines, especially when you see how many young boys (at least 1 in every 60) are “on the […]
By S.D. Wells
WAR MONGER HYPOCRISY: USA assassinates leaders, bombs civilian infrastructure, and steals resources from countries, now complains about Russia in Ukraine
Wait, what? Russia is bombing infrastructure in Ukraine and taking its resources? Sounds just like the USA in Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan. Every time the US bombs another country around the world, it’s 100% justified by the US press, including assassinating leaders (think Mu’ammar Al-Qadhdh?f?, Osama Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein), killing civilians, annihilating […]
By S.D. Wells
A Clinton-appointed judge just declared the NYT can openly LIE about any conservative, without repercussions
Back in January of 2011, in a suburban area near Tucson, Arizona, someone attempted to assassinate Democrat politician Gabrielle Giffords by shooting her in the head in a Safeway grocery store parking lot. She somehow survived the attack. Six years later, in 2017, someone tried to assassinate House Republican Whip Steve Scalise during a congressional […]
By S.D. Wells
“Tattletale” mainstream journalist Taylor Lorenz now suffering from cry-bully-induced PTSD, also known as POST TWEET-STORM DRAMA disorder (opinion)
Will Taylor Lorenz, the ultimate “tattletale journalist,” be put on psychotropic drugs to deal with the flurry of insulting tweets she just received as backlash for ripping people’s lives apart and calling her bully blogs “internet culture?” A current drama-journalist at the DC rag, a.k.a. WAPO (Washington Post), and a previous writer for the New […]
By S.D. Wells
America, it’s time to REPORT Fauci, Biden, CNN and the CDC as COVID-19 disinformation spreaders
Is it “misinformation” to say the Earth is not flat? Is it “disinformation” to say the sun does not revolve around the Earth? Centuries ago, philosophers and ruling entities might have called you a “conspiracy theorist” if you had spread this kind of information, even though science ended up proving it correct. Today, the “science” […]
By S.D. Wells
While US STILL occupies Iraq going on 20 years, we’re condemning Russia for invading Ukraine
The world is now seeing the true conspiracy theorists: the ones who believed that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center; the ones who believed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, when the Bush oil family went there to steal their oil and fund Dick Cheney’s military industrial complex, a.k.a. Haliburton; the ones who believed […]
By S.D. Wells
According to the discredited vaccine industry, sports referee WHISTLES the cause behind heart problems in perfectly healthy athletes
If you play sports or even attend live sports games and matches, you may want to wear some ear plugs from now on. Otherwise, you might come down with a case of RWS, also known as referee whistle syndrome, where that loud, sharp sound causes your heart to stress out so badly you could have […]
By S.D. Wells
CCP plant “Wuhan Wen” now agrees with “anti-science” Americans and admits that Covid masks and lockdowns RUIN children’s cognitive and motor development
“Closing educational disparities” is now at the top of the list of advice coming from the mouth of CNN crisis actor Dr. Leana “Wuhan Wen.” “The science has changed,” Wen declares in order to back up her new anti-science narrative. Straight out of communist China, Wen came to America to tell us all to wear […]
By S.D. Wells
Investigative reporter gets AXED by Forbes for publishing Dr. Anthony Fauci’s yearly earnings, revealing he’s the HIGHEST paid employee of the entire US Federal government
Nothing in America gets someone fired from their job faster than uncovering the truth about top-level corruption. The motto at Forbes magazine is “Change the World,” and what they mean by change is keep the scamdemic money machine going as long as possible, by protecting the image of the most nefarious people at the very […]
By S.D. Wells
The worst Covid MISINFORMATION SPREADERS on the planet
In a debate class or group, the people who disagree with your theories or opinions are not considered terrorists. If you say Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, then someone else emphatically says, “No, he landed here and found indigenous people,” they are not terrorists for debating the so-called “facts.” Yet somehow, the regulatory agencies […]
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