News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Anywhere pharma advertises, expect to be LIED TO about health and safety
America was built on advertising. Nearly every popular product today is promoted on television, in magazines, on billboards or on the internet by companies and corporations that pay millions of dollars for marketing ads. The people who own and run those lavishly rich companies and corporations make a fortune off customers in two ways. The […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 LIES about health and safety over 200 million Americans believe today
As an American, no matter how smart you are, you’ve been brainwashed since you were a child to believe that the human immune system is very frail, from birth to death, and that you need at least 75 vaccines just to stay alive. As an American, you have been brainwashed to believe that any ailment, […]
By S.D. Wells
Fake news MSM “Vice News” pushing farce that “health care professionals” administering covid jabs are all assessing the risk of harm based on each person’s medical history
The anti-truth media is working overtime to remove videos, news, and any vital information about the dangers of Covid vaccines. Funded by the very industry they shill for, Vice News has one job and one job only right now–lie about the safety and efficacy of the most dangerous vaccines ever made, while censoring the truth. […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid “Delta Variant” is just a fancy name for vaccine injury
Just take out the Marxist playbook and turn to the next page, where the “Delta” variant of the China-disease ‘scamdemic’ is now to blame for every upcoming death caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. Beware of the “Delta variant” and the “Beta variant,” but still get the Covid-19 vaccines, if you haven’t, they’re telling everyone. So […]
By S.D. Wells
Democrats have been pushing mask mandates since 1865
Notice how its all the blue states that are still enforcing mask mandates and pushing the hardest for vaccination? The scamdemic is how the election was stolen by the REAL white supremacists (Democrats), who hate Blacks, and Jews, and Christians, and all Americans for that matter. The hooded Democrats are still hard at work cheating, […]
By S.D. Wells
Absolutely NOT safe and NOT effective: FDA and CDC lied about vaccine efficacy to obtain ’emergency authorized use’ (EAU) for highly-suspect human medical experiment using mRNA
As they say, the proof is in the pudding. COVID-19 shots have been the deadliest inoculations ever documented, by far, and that’s according to the CDC’s very own data. More people have died from Covid vaccines (approaching 5,000 now) than all vaccine deaths totaled since the 1950s. No wonder why. They couldn’t even reach the […]
By S.D. Wells
EXCLUSIVE: Goebbels-style “ministry of propaganda” tactics on display as ad agency promotes deadly Covid vaccines with manipulative, cunning slogans for buttons and t-shirts
Oh, those Nazis were very cunning, that is for sure. The Jews of Nazi Germany were not dumb, they just never saw it coming. Propaganda is a very powerful machine, and the psychology of sales was instrumental in wiping out half of all Jewish people on planet Earth. That was then. This is now: The […]
By S.D. Wells
American shill journalists GUILTY of conspiring with the Chinese Communist Party to push CCP propaganda
Treason is defined in the Constitution as levying war against the US or ‘adhering’ to its enemies. More than a dozen US journalists, from nearly every mass media (fake news) outlet, including CNN, NYT, MSNBC, WaPo, and more, have been caught red-handed in a pay-for-play agreement with the Communist Chinese Party. The journalists all agreed […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 LIES about COVID-19 that at least half of all Americans actually believe
There’s nothing wrong with being patriotic, but at least half of all Americans believe that our government has our best interest in mind, including health and human rights, but nothing could be further from the truth. The last half dozen wars have not been fought to keep peace on Earth, but for money and greed. […]
By S.D. Wells
Fake news THOUGHT POLICE trying to ban and censor everyone who is opposed to a Communist Amerika
Fake news is getting worse by the day, as we see that only the Left can be “offended” and “bullied,” while all people and entities to the Right, even slightly, are now labeled as the “Extreme Right,” “Fascists,” and “Domestic Terrorists.” Anyone opposed to toxic food (GMOs), dirty vaccines (all of them), and Americanized Communism […]
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