News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
You are being bombarded by FAKE News, FAKE News “Filters,” FAKE People, FAKE Food, and FAKE Medicine – What’s happening to America?
The most important things in life are your family, your safety, and your health. These are irreplaceable. Some people, as of late, are wrecking theirs, all while believing that the mass media, the FDA, the AMA, and the CDC have their best interests in mind, but it’s just the opposite way around. By mass media, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 4 historical HEALTH LIES the public needs to stop spreading as fact
What was that you just read in your favorite health magazine? Has that “fad” failed you before? What health advice did you heed? Is it in the history books? Is it peer-reviewed research from a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in some prestigious medical journal? Is it at the top of Google when you search it? […]
By S.D. Wells
BOOM: Who are the conspiracy theorists now?
Big question answered: Yes, politics does spill over into your health, whether you like it or not. Remember there’s an important reciprocal balance between mental health and physical health. Currently, more than 50 million Americans are completely stressed out by politics, and it’s affecting their mental and physical health. It may be more like 150 […]
By S.D. Wells
CNN – the Conspiracy News Network
Remember before Edward Snowden revealed that NSA was spying on every single American, recording and data-basing all phone calls, emails, and social media posts via their “PRISM,” that if you said the U.S. Government was unconstitutionally violating the privacy of all Americans, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist by CNN? Remember that? Now, after two-and-a-half […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 TRUTH topics you never hear or see on lame-stream “MSM” media
Since CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, and the Washington Post are all funded and controlled by Big Pharma and Big Food, they are forbidden from publishing and broadcasting the truth about several massively important topics. The same goes for most major newspapers in this country, and most of the popular websites. What’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Formula for INSANITY: Believe in hate crime hoaxes, take prescription medications, eat GMOs, drink tap water, get your flu shot, watch CNN, and read the NYT and WashPo
Isn’t it quite ironic that there is not one single photo or video clip of President Donald J. Trump being a racist, when 50 million Americans have been brainwashed by the media to believe that he is one? In fact, before he ran for POTUS, there was never any mention of it ever, because he’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Attack of the FAKE NEWS on your mind, your health and your safety
Fake news is scripted, staged, planned, promoted, and never retracted after being revealed as such. Fake news appears in many forms, including on television, via social media, featured on major websites, and it’s spewed from the mouths of most of the outspoken celebrities and talk show hosts. Fake news even reports on itself, pretending to […]
By S.D. Wells
Mass shooting deaths in 2018 killed 68 Americans and the mass media freaked out; ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS murdered 2,000 people – MSM silent
It’s astonishing how at least 200 million Americans have no clue what’s really going on in this country regarding deaths caused by illegal immigrants, prescription medications, vaccines, hospital superbugs (think MRSA), chemotherapy, and hospital surgery errors. That’s because the mainstream media, a.k.a. MSM, purposely fails to report any of it. What most people fail to […]
By S.D. Wells
EXPOSED: “NewsGuard” organization founded by globalists to censor independent media has ties to pro-Monsanto American Enterprise Institute propagandists
How do you know if news is guaranteed to be fake? Just look for the “News Guard” shield symbol followed by a check mark and the words “News Guard Rating.” If you’re not pro-war, pro-GMO, and pro-Clinton, your news will be “ranked” and labeled as fake news when given the stamp of the oppressors, who […]
By S.D. Wells
Trump Derangement Syndrome fueled by these FOUR POISONS: Mass media propaganda, vaccines, fluoridated water, and rapeseed oil
Over the past couple decades, there have been several Presidents who angered millions of Americans with terrible policies, bad decisions, false promises, and confounding rhetoric, yet still we did not witness the enraged resentment and outright derangement of the masses that we now see taking place during the Trump Administration era. Like never before, Americans, […]
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