Legal watchdog group files FOIA lawsuit for documents related to political activities of Alt-Left George Soros foundation

Slowly but surely the world is closing in on billionaire George Soros and his Alt-Left empire of Marxist interference in the political processes of one country after another.

And nowhere is there a more dogged pursuer of Soros truth than conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch, which recently filed Freedom of Information Act lawsuits in order to find out how much meddling the Soros-funded Open Society Foundation has done in the electoral processes of Colombia and Romania — in part with U.S. tax dollars.

From the organization’s website:

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for records relating to their funding of the political activities of the Soros Open Society Foundations of Romania (Judicial Watch v. U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (No. 1:18-cv-00667)) and the Soros Open Society Foundations of Colombia (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv-00668)).

The suit against the Romania chapter was filed after the State Department and USAID declined to respond to an Oct. 16, 2017, FOIA request from Judicial Watch for the following documents, among others:

— Any records pertaining to grants, contracts or other allocations/disbursements of money by the State Department to the Open Society Foundation – Romania “and/or its personnel and/or any OSFR subsidiary or affiliate;”

— Every assessment, report, evaluation or similar records tied to the work of the Romanian chapter and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries.

The suit against the Colombian chapter seeks virtually the same documentation and State Department/USAID disbursements of funds to include these entities: Fundacion Ideas para la Paz; La Silla Vacia; DeJusticia; Corporacion Nuevo Arco Iris; Paz y Reconciliacion; Global Drug Policy Program; and news portal Las Dos Orillas.

Several Soros-funded entities and projects in Romania, as in other parts of the world, are also funded by American taxpayers. For instance, Judicial Watch reported, the Romanian Center for Independent Journalism — supported by the Open Society Institute in New York — received $17,000 recently from the State Department.

And about a year ago, in February 2017, Laura Silver of Open Society Foundations was reported to have condemned “illiberal governments” in the Balkans — Macedonia, Albania and Romania — for working against Soros-funded NGOs.

“Attacks by illiberal governments on George Soros are an attempt to deflect attention from their own failure to address unemployment, corruption and poor economic prospects,” Open Society Foundations’ chief communications officer Silber said, adding: “Civil society plays an important role in holding governments accountable and making democracies stronger; we are proud to support organizations who work to improve people’s lives.” (Related: Michael Savage RAGES at George Soros but gives POTUS Trump some GREAT advice…if he takes it.)

‘Civil society.’ That’s a joke, right? Because even in his home country of Hungary (Soros does have U.S. citizenship), his meddling is being called out and investigated. The Daily Caller reported in July 2017:

After a two-year battle to keep migrants out of the country, Hungary has directed its full attention toward one of its own: billionaire investor George Soros.

“In Hungarian public life there is a single important element which is not transparent: Soros’s mafia-style network and its agent organizations,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s spokesman, Zoltan Kovacs, said then.

Judicial Watch noted further that in 2016, Soros’ various Open Society Foundation chapters gave some $3.3 million to groups that were operating in Colombia. Several of the same groups have also been funded by the United States.

That means State was funding the same Alt-Left political causes that Soros funds.

“It is time for Americans to be allowed to see State Department documentation regarding the public funding of Soros’ Open Society Foundations,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The billionaire George Soros needs zero assistance from taxpayers to promote his far-left agenda abroad.”

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J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for and, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

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