How Business Insider and other dishonest left-wing media outlets desperately LIED to cover up the embarrassing truth about AOC’s “Green New Deal” fiasco

As we saw with Democrats when it came to selling us the Obamacare fiasco, the party of the donkey from President Obama on down could never be honest about what the legislation would actually do.

Americans were frequently told one lie after another about what the Affordable Care Act would and would not do:

— We could keep our current health plan (lie — Obamacare mandated certain minimum coverages that were not offered on the bulk of health plans at the time).

— Monthly premiums and annual deductibles would go down (lie — both went up).

— E.R. visits would fall (lie — they increased).

— We could keep our own doctor (lie — for most Americans who chose a government subsidized Obamacare plan, they had to find a new doctor as well).

Now comes Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York) and her “Green New Deal,” and Democrats who are signing onto it in droves are already lying about what it will and won’t do.

They say her plan will move the entire country completely away from fossil fuel-driven energy sources within a decade and replace them with “green energy” renewables like wind and solar energy. That’s not possible.

A summary of the plan, which has since been removed from the Internet, claimed that we can decommission all nuclear power plants (which are 100 percent emissions-free, by the way) in 10 years. That’s fantasy as well. 

The plan also calls for the elimination of all air travel, to be replaced with “high-speed rail.” Good luck with that.

Why do so many people fall for this nonsense? One, Democrats aren’t honest. And two, the establishment media, which is full of Democratic propagandists posing as journalists, lies for them as well or, at a minimum, shields Democrats from being seriously challenged.

Americans fall for bad Democratic ideas because they are purposely misinformed about them

As The Daily Wire reported, shortly after Ocasio-Cortez’s team rolled out her Green New Deal last weekend they had to go in to damage-control mode. After posting a summary of the plan online, her team was forced to take it down shortly thereafter because it was savaged for its nonsensical, unserious proposals (the early plan posted online even included the term “fart” in reference to cattle flatulence, something a third-grader would write).

AOC and her team first claimed that the initial version of the summary was really just a “doctored” version circulated by Republicans to embarrass the young freshman congresswoman. 

“But instead of laying the blame where it belonged — squarely at the feet of Ocasio-Cortez and her advisers, who clearly botched their own Green New Deal roll-out — the media immediately blamed conservatives for ‘pouncing’ on Ocasio-Cortez’s plan,” The Daily Wire reported. (Related: NewsGuard is a globalist-funded “news ratings” front to protect pro-war NeoCon interests while silencing all independent media.)

The biggest defender of AOC and accuser of nefarious GOP operatives was Business Insider, which accused conservatives of “attacking” poor, defenseless AOC for “accidentally” leaking a document posted to her congressional website and sent directly to members of the media.

Ultimately, BI had to rewrite its misleading, bogus headline after reporters from right-leaning sites correctly pointed out that the document release wasn’t an “accidental” leak, The Daily Wire reported. They noted that metadata proved AOC’s team posted the document to her site, not a GOP ‘hacker,’ and her team members subsequently sent pitches with a plan FAQ to media outlets.

Other Leftist establishment media like The Hill also went out of their way to cover for her. 

It was never a ‘mystery’ as to where the document summary really came from. But the establishment media was quick to defend her because they agree with her politically, and in turn pulled the wool over Americans’ eyes about the true nature of her plan.

No wonder Americans fall for so many bad Democratic plans. They are seldom told the truth about them. 

Read more about the disinformation campaigns waged by the establishment media at

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