Left-wing media LIES about 3D-printed guns, falsely claims they are “undetectable” deadly weapons

When one begins researching the number of gun laws already in the statute books – on the federal, state, and local levels – it’s hard to imagine that any politician really believes additional laws are needed.

But they’re out there alright, and the vast majority of them belong to the Democratic Party.

In fact, few Democrats have ever seen a gun control law they didn’t like. And to hear them discuss the issue, you’d think that our country has few, if any, restrictions at all on gun ownership.

Now they’re pushing for new restrictions on gun parts that can be printed on 3D printers through the use of misinformation and intentional misleading.

As Breitbart NewsAwr Hawkins reports:

The left uses words like “untraceable” and “undetectable” in describing 3D-printed guns while avoiding questions of practicality and safety.

Some of this avoidance could be unintentional but some is no-doubt due to the fact that the establishment media has represented 3D-printed guns in a way that is misleading but beneficial to those seeking to ban the weapons.

And to be sure, Democrats are leading this ban effort because Democrats rarely push for less gun control and more gun rights protection under the Second Amendment.

Hawkins notes that “in its purest form” a 3D gun part or complete weapon is made of plastic from a special 3D printer. And though it’s plastic, such firearms are far from “undetectable” because they come with metal firing pins and other metal parts.

And yet, are such weapons even safe to fire?

Hawkins noted that CNN reported (accurately for once) that people who conducted testing with 3D firearms in Europe found that they are liable to be more harmful to shooters than to what he or she is aiming at. Specifically, German police tested a 3D gun and came to the conclusion that it “could endanger the shooter as much as anyone else.”

Anyone who is familiar with guns even passingly understands that what German police concluded was exactly right.

Democrats are intentionally misleading people about this issue

“This is commonsense for those who understand firearms, who understand the pressures associated with a chambered cartridge at the point a primer is struck and powder ignites within the shell casing,” Hawkins wrote. There is a lot of heat and pressure generated by firing bullets – which is why guns are made out of metal and not 3D-print plastic.

It’s especially noteworthy to point out the kind of guns Democrats and their propagandists in the Left-wing establishment are referencing when arguing for a new 3D gun parts ban. Democrats generally do not hold up full-plastic versions of 3D-printed firearms like the ubiquitous AR-15; rather, they hold up a mostly metal version that comes with a 3D plastic-printed “lower” or frame to mislead. (Related: Federal government declares AR-15s are not “weapons of war” as gun rights opponents frequently claim.)

Hawkins writes that lowers on AR-15 models contain the trigger and hammer, while the “upper” holds the bolt carrier group and to which the barrel is attached. Of all those parts, the only one regulated by the government is the lower, “so in the 3D-printing world,” he continues, “the idea is to make a lower of strong plastic, then affixed [sic] it to a metal upper and barrel” that are the same as any other AR-15 you’d generally see.

The extreme heat and pressure are contained in the upper, while the trigger and hammer are situated in the plastic lower where pressure and heat aren’t factors.

The gun is by no means “undetectable” because of all the metal parts, though it may be safe to fire. That said, the media won’t show these kinds of firearms because doing so would wreck Democrats’ “undetectable” argument.

Even so, Hawkins, further noted, “undetectable” guns are already against the law and have been since 1988.

Read more Democrat attempts to limit the Second Amendment at SecondAmendment.news.

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