Native American supposedly harassed by MAGA teen “bigots” has a long history of provoking Left-wing “outrage” against conservatives

For Americans who still believe that things can be worked out between the Left and Right, between progressives and conservatives so that we can all come together and have a political Kumbaya moment and live happily ever after, you’re in for a rude awakening.

That’s simply not going to happen. The days of reasonable compromises and getting together to solve common concerns and problems are over if they ever really existed.

The American Marxist Left, which has found a home in the Democratic Party, isn’t interested in compromising, solving problems, or getting along. All they want to do is destroy the political opposition, and with it every last vestige of American tradition, history, and culture, all of which they say is bad.

A microcosm of this ongoing effort occurred in Washington, D.C., last weekend, as a group of teens from a Catholic high school in Kentucky were targeted by a serial outrage grifter named Nathan Phillips.

A Native American, Phillips was born to play the role of Left-wing agitator, and he does it well thanks to huge assists from another compromised American institution, the “mainstream media” (MSM).

As you may have read, media reports initially claimed that Phillips was ‘harassed’ and ‘accosted’ by the Catholic teens, many of whom were white and wearing MAGA hats — the Left’s perfect Boogymen (white, young Trump supporters). But as numerous videos of the confrontation surfaced, it became apparent that Phillips was the one who confronted the teens as he banged away on a ceremonial Native American drum (because Native American culture is good, American culture is bad).

Subsequent reports also noted that Phillips has done this sort of thing before, stoking Left-wing ‘outrage’ by pretending to be a victim of racism and bigotry by ‘white America.’ And each time the MSM laps it up and regurgitates it as fact before ever bothering to dig even a little bit into the situation to find out what’s really going on. (Related: Fake news smears against Covington Catholic School students prove how left-wing media is deliberately inciting mob violence against whites.)

This outrage artist has a history of staging fake bigotry to smear the Left’s favorite targets

In fact, as Big League Politics reports, Phillips was featured in a 2012 Skrillex video which was about attacking police officers. 

The video, titled, “Make it Bun Dem,” features him doing “some spiritual warfare connected to a violent attack on a police officer,” the news site noted.

“Phillips was identified as the star of the video in his speaker bio for Tribal Hemp & Cannabis Education and discussed the role in a 2017 interview,” Big League Politics noted further.

What’s more, he’s raising money with the assistance of a large big-money Alt-Left operation. The Native Youth Alliance appears to be standalone, but a much larger entity, the well-funded Native Youth Leadership Alliance — which told Big League Politics it isn’t associated with Phillips — is nonetheless promoting his fundraising campaign that stems from his harassment of the Catholic teens. 

The news site notes:

The Native Youth Leadership Alliance (NYLA) is a non-profit organization that is funded by the same far-left power players who are often involved in bankrolling leftist causes. The organization’s funding partners include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Social Justice Fund Northwest.

“Phillips is not simply a random Native man who was accosted by ‘racist’ MAGA-hat wearing teens, as the mainstream press has reported. He is connected to leftist activists who donate large sums to leftist causes,” Big League Politics noted. 

Phillips was also involved in a very similar ‘confrontation’ in 2015. As reported by local media in Detroit, he claimed he was accosted by mostly white fraternity boys who were dressed in Native American attire for a party. He claimed they threw beer on him and called him names but, given his history, it’s difficult to take him seriously.

Read more about hoaxes like this one at

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