Quack “skeptic” Stephen Barrett exposed as agent provocateur working to discredit natural medicine on Wikipedia

His is one of the first names that pops up when performing a Google search for pretty much any topic related to natural health and wellness – his infamous “Quackwatch” disinformation website masquerading as a “fact-checking” resource that, in actuality, exists solely to disparage and “debunk” all healing modalities that challenge, or in any way threaten, the doctrines of conventional medicine. But Stephen Barrett and his brigade of status quo medical “skeptics” are anything but honest and science-based – Barrett himself having recently been exposed as an agent provocateur who’s been working on behalf of the Big Pharma deep state to taint the reputation of natural medicine, particularly on the fake news-driven Wikipedia website.

Over the past year, Richard Gale and his team of sleuths from the Progressive Radio Network (PRN) put many hours’ worth of legwork into digging up every detail they could find about Barrett and his fellow anti-truth cronies, as well as their ongoing collusion with Wikipedia. They then compiled what they uncovered into 24 separate investigative stories, unveiling a treasure trove of truth about Big Tech and Big Pharma’s relentless war against natural medicine.

In its piece on Barrett and Wikipedia specifically, PRN revealed that the “skeptics” have basically hijacked editorial control over all of the Wikipedia entries associated with things like chiropractic, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), homeopathy, naturopathy, and many other forms of natural medicine, and altered them with descriptions basically pegging them as unsubstantiated “quackery.”

“Wales (referring to Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia) and his Skeptic comrades have covertly inculcated the encyclopedia with medical ideologies while relying upon slander to stage an offensive that would destroy the reputations of health disciplines they disagree with,” explains Gale.

For more related news about Jimmy Wales and his Wikipedia-driven disinformation campaign, be sure to check out JimmyWales.news.

Stephen Barrett is financially tied to the pro-pharma American Council on Science and Health

Prior to Wikipedia’s advent, Barrett kept himself busy spreading disinformation through his “Quackwatch” page, attacking people like Drs. Gary Null and Mehmet Oz, along with many others, for daring to try to help people heal without pharmaceutical drugs and invasive surgeries. And while it probably won’t come as much of a surprise to Natural News readers, Barrett has longstanding financial ties to the pharma front group American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), being a member of its Board of Scientific Advisers.

As we previously reported, the ACSH basically exists to protect the interest of Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Chemical, and Big Biotech. Everything it does is centered around bolstering these industries, all of which happen to be threatened by the existence of natural medicine.

“It is important to unveil the cesspool at the ACSH for what it really is because Barrett’s relationship as an inside adviser with the ACSH is very disturbing and should raise alarms,” says Gale.

“In our opinion it completely discredits him from being a reliable and unbiased scientific resource on any matter. And in our opinion it should convince any sane person that Barrett lacks integrity in being a voice capable of speaking for the best interests of the average consumer.”

Barrett is hardly an anomaly in this regard, as many Western health practitioners function as agent provocateurs of these deep state industries. In other words, they’re not about helping people to heal, but rather about keeping the cash flowing.

“In our opinion modern conventional medicine has built a citadel, a walled-fortress that refuses to take century old medical wisdom and practices seriously,” Gale contends.

“And Skeptics are up to their necks in the cultural (sic) of denial imprisoned within these ramparts constructed with the mortar of pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, unsafe vaccines, GMOs, and a legacy of medical error, illnesses and deaths.”

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