It’s official: the collapse of the mainstream media’s credibility is now complete

Attorney General William Barr held a press conference this morning to address the contents of the Mueller report, just as he promised to do. Not long after, Barr delivered the full Mueller report to the public with necessary redactions, also as promised. And yet the mainstream media, which demanded all of these things and has now received them, still isn’t happy.

In fact, most fake news media pundits are now foaming at the mouth, questioning Barr’s loyalties and accusing him of colluding with President Donald Trump to convey the “spun” message that he’s innocent – which it would seem as though no amount of evidence will ever convince those with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is actually true.

In a nutshell, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, whom Leftist Democrats have been hailing for the past two years as their savior and hero who was going to take down Trump, didn’t end up procuring what these Trump haters were wishfully thinking he would. And in response, Trump haters everywhere are reeling with more anger than ever, demanding that Mueller be burned at the stake for failing to prove their deranged conspiracy theories.

CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta about had a coronary in response to Barr’s press conference, accusing Barr of “clearly laying out a sympathetic presentation” of what’s supposedly in the Mueller report. Twenty-twenty presidential hopeful and Leftist Democrat Cory Booker similarly accused Barr of “undermining the independence of this entire process” for his speaking publicly about the Mueller report prior to releasing it.

It’s the same merry-go-round of liberal hysteria that sparked and fueled the more than two-year investigation – which many of these same Democrats, assuming the Mueller report would conclude what they wanted it to conclude, promised to accept as a final ruling on the matter. But because the Mueller reports exonerated President Trump by showing no collusion, the Left is furious.

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Why is Google News still indexing fake news outlets that are PROVEN hoaxers and liars?

One wonders if the fake news media will ever drop this ridiculous conspiracy theory and just move on already, perhaps switching into support-mode for our lawfully elected president. We certainly won’t hold our breath on this one, though it would obviously help to unify Americans and strengthen our nation.

One thing is for sure: The mainstream media has obliterated all remaining traces of credibility by engaging this baseless witch hunt. The Clown News Network is toast, as is MSNBC, The Washington Post, and the entire social media and tech cabal – nearly all of which has conspired to spread this and other anti-Trump conspiracy theories while actively censoring the truth.

We now know that Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Wikipedia, and many others are already trying to thwart the 2020 election against Trump by censoring independent news outlets that have anything positive to say about him, as well as by generating fake news articles to steer voters away from supporting him.

Google in particular has continued to index fake news outlets at the top of its search results list, despite the fact that these purveyors of propaganda have been actively peddling Russian collusion conspiracy nonsense virtually nonstop for more than two years and counting.

“For two years, the liberal media created hundreds of stories that insinuated some dark conspiracy that cheated Hillary Clinton out of a win in 2016,” writes Matt Vespa for about the liberal media’s assault against both truth and free speech.

“In reality, it was Hillary Clinton who did that to herself, ignoring the Rust Belt, having piss poor messaging, and being an all-around terrible candidate. And even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted his report, which was summarized by Attorney General William Barr, after two years of investigating – there is still zero evidence of Russian collusion.”

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