No wonder the “mainstream” media isn’t covering the Colorado STEM school shooting: It points to an illegal alien and a transgender who hates Trump and Christians

If you are wondering why the so-called “mainstream” media isn’t all over the latest school shooting featuring angry parents, crying students, and a conga line of Democrats calling for “more gun control,” the answer is very simple.

Nothing about the story fits into any of their Left-wing political objectives. 

Sure, there’s always the ‘gun control’ angle, but pursuing it would draw attention to a number of other facts about and surrounding the shooting that, frankly, make Democrats and their Leftist media allies blanch.

Like the fact that the father of one of the alleged shooters is a twice-deported illegal alien from Mexico who was jailed in the past for several months after committing an act of violence against his American wife. 

As reported exclusively by the U.K.’s Daily Mail (since the dishonest American media wouldn’t):

The father of one of the alleged STEM School Highlands Ranch shooters in Colorado is a serial felon and illegal immigrant from Mexico, can reveal. 

Jose Evis Quintana, the father of alleged 16-year-old killer Alec McKinney was once jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against Alec’s mother and ‘menacing with a weapon’.

McKinney and friend Devon Erickson have been charged with killing one student and wounding eight others at the school, which is located near Denver.

In addition to being deported two times (but hey…who needs a wall, right?), Quintana also has a history of arrests in the state from between 2008 and 2017, the paper reported, adding that even though he ‘terrorized’ McKinney’s mother, Morgan, 32, he nevertheless convinced her to wed him in 2009, a year before his first deportation. 

Quintana has admitted to a history of drinking and drug abuse; he was first sent packing back to Mexico on Dec. 9, 2010, according to records unearthed by the Daily Mail.

Also, Alec, 16, posted a message on a social media account just days before the alleged murder about missing his father.

The mainstream media: ‘Nothing to see here, move along…’

Or her father. Oh yeah, that’s another reason why the disgustingly dishonest media isn’t reporting on this story wall-to-wall: ‘Alec’ was born a girl, Mya, and is now ‘transgender.’ 

He/she wrote online: “My mom talking to me about how she hates the new alec. Mom: I miss my Alec can you find him for me. Me: I miss my dad can you find him for me.”

As The Blaze’s Jon Miller reported, the garbage media from the outset — after discovering that she was a he now — left out that little morsel, as well as other details:

One of the two suspects in the STEM school attack in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, is a 16-year-old transgender who is transitioning from woman to man, though few media outlets are reporting this key part of the suspect’s identity.

“Isn’t it interesting how, just two days after the shooting in Colorado, the suspects have remained relatively unmentioned? This is a drastic departure from every other shooting. The mainstream media aren’t even trying to hide their blatant bias. If the facts don’t fit their narrative, they get left out — even if it’s a tragedy,” said Miller, host of “The White House Brief.”

What else? Oh, yes. The suspect hated — hated — POTUS Donald Trump, so the media couldn’t blame the shooting on him this time. And Christians. But he loved the Left, per Guy Benson at TownHall.

“He resented gay-‘hating’ Christians, and shared pro-Obama and anti-Trump material on social media,” Benson wrote, adding that an “Occupy Democrats” meme he/she posted bashed Fox News. (Related: Sharing community, culture, faith: Study finds religious people are happier.)

An illegal alien father. A transgender shooting suspect. An anti-Trump antagonizer who is disgusted by Christians and loves Obama. 

Yeah, the mainstream media says, nothing to see here.

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