10/15/2020 / By News Editors
Hunter Biden was asked by an adviser for Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings whether he could “use your influence” as son of Vice President Joe Biden to help stop “politically motivated actions,” according to an email obtained by Fox News.
(Article by Sam Dorman, Mike Emanuel, Brooke Singman republished from FoxNews.com)
“We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” a May 12, 2014 email reads from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to Burisma’s board.
The email is addressed to both Hunter Biden and his former business partner Devon Archer.
From: Rosemont Seneca <darcher@rosemontseneca.com>
Subject: Re: urgent issue
Date: May 12, 2014 at 1:45:35 PM PDT
To: Heather King <hking@BSFLLP.com>
Cc: “Hunter Biden (hbiden@rosemontseneca.com)” <hbiden@rosemontseneca.com>
They do not.
Devon Dodson Archer
646 436 3745
On May 12, 2014, at 11:33 PM, Heather King <hking@BSFLLP.com> wrote:
Devon – Does Burisma have any related company registered in the U.S.? A subsidiary of any sort even? If you don’t know then I’ll ask Vadim in my next email.
Heather King, Esq.
5301 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015202-274-1129
(Phone)202-237-6131 (Fax)
From: Devon Archer [mailto:darcher@rosemontseneca.com]
Sent: Monday, May12, 2014 4:13 PM
To: Heather King Cc: Hunter Biden (hbiden@rosemontseneca.com)
Subject: Re: urgent issue
Thank you Heather. That sounds appropriate and please communicate to Vadim the immediate moves.
Devon Archer
646 436 3745
On May 12, 2014, at 10:35 PM, Heather King <hking@BSFLLP.com>wrote:
Devon and Hunter – The immediate plan is to reach out to the Energy and Ukraine desks, respectively, at State Dept to introduce them to Burisma and“update” them on Burisma’s current situation, which will include the issues you’ve emailed me about today per Vadim’s emails to you. We can’t just go in there with a hard ask but it is often the case that the conversation is open to an ask, assuming it goes well. That will include outreach to Carlos Pascual, he is the top US energy diplomat; his actual title is Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs at State. He was formerly US Ambassador to Ukraine (’00-03) and later to Mexico (09-12 – he was apparently not so great in Mexico but still respected and highly effective). He was recently in Ukraine and on the Hill briefing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee privately about Ukraine and the challenges it faces.
Heather King, Esq.
5301 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015202-274-1129
(Phone)202-237-6131 (Fax)
From: Devon Archer [mailto:darcher@rosemontseneca.com]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2014 10:15 AM
To: Heather King
Subject: Re: urgent issue
Move ahead.
Devon Archer
646 436 3745
On May 12, 2014, at 5:09 PM, Heather King <hking@BSFLLP.com>wrote:
Devon – This email from Vadim below has precipitated a conversation I wanted to have with you anyway. As part of our ongoing strategy, I would ideally like for BSF to engage a lobbyist of our choosing to work with me. We at BSF will lead all this work and can execute the political and legal work right up to the line where we would need to register as lobbyists, but I don’t want to register under the lobbying disclosure act or the foreign agents registration act. I have the right person picked out and have already casually and broadly discussed the issues with him. If it’s okay with you, I’ll have a more pointed conversation with him today so we can get moving, starting with key State Dept officials we need to start talking to this week. (His name is David Leiter – he is good, trust-worthy, understands energy issues and Ukraine, and he is very close with Sec.Kerry (was formerly Kerry’s Chief of Staff, which is how I know him).)
Heather King, Esq.
5301 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015202-274-1129
(Phone)202-237-6131 (Fax)
From: Devon Archer [mailto:darcher@rosemontseneca.com]
Sent: Monday, May12, 2014 8:42 AM
To: Heather King Subject:
Fwd: urgent issue
Please read below and let’s discuss once you’ve had a chance to review today.
Hunter and I are in Doha but available.
Devon Archer
646 436 3745
Begin forwarded message:
From: Vadim Pozharskyi <v.pozharskyi.ukraine@gmail.com>
Date: May 12, 2014 at 3:29:24 PM GMT+3
To: Devon Archer<darcher@rosemontcapital.com>, Hunter Biden<hbiden@rosemontseneca.com>
Subject: urgent issue
Dear Hunter and Devon,
Following our talks during the visit to the Como Lake and our further discussions, I would like to bring the following situation to your attention.
As previously pointed out on a number of occasions, the representatives of new authorities in power tend to quite aggressively approach N. Z.unofficially with the aim to obtain cash from him. Initially, it was done by the representatives of Svoboda party and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These so called unofficial “communications” would entail blackmailing: in case we don’t cooperate i.e. provide money in cash the gaz production business of N.Z. would be stopped, destroyed etc…
It’s important to note that Svoboda party is represented in the government by the General Prosecutor and by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Of Ukraine. The last organ together with the State Geological and Subsurface Survey of Ukraine, which is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, are principal regulators in the area of issuing licenses for natural resources and control.
After unsuccessful attempts to receive funds from our side, they proceeded with concrete actions.
So far we got information (through unofficial channels) that one or more pretrial proceedings were initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with regrad to Burima Holdings companies that are heavily engaged in gas production and happen to be our Holdings’ key companies.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs contacted the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the State Geological and Subsurface Survey of Ukraine to obtain all documents concerning licenses issued since 2006until now to the companies of our Holding.
Apart from that, they would unofficially approach our partnres, clients,suppliers trying to intimidate them to stop working with our companies.
These are typical instruments to destabilize business.
We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence toconvey a message / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions bearing in mind the following:
Burisma holdings is a leader among private gas producers;Our primary client is Accelor Mital- Ukraine’s biggest metal steel plant.We cover more thet 60% of its gas needs.Our clients and their production are largely dependant on our work and our ability to perfom our contractual obligations;We employ hundreds of employees etc. and etc.; Negative influence on our companies may result in multy-level negativesocial, econimical and political consequnces.
Please advice, looking forward for your reply,
Vadym Pozharskyi
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“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It’s realty an honor and pleasure,” the email, dated April 17, 2015 reads.
Less than a year later, Pozharskyi sent another email that mentions an invitation to meet with Hunter’s father. It indicates that Biden’s son introduced the former vice president to a top executive at Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings less than a year before he pressured government officials in Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company.
“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It’s realty an honor and pleasure,” the email, dated April 17, 2015 reads.
From: Vadym Pozharskyi <v.pozharskyi.ukraine@gmail.com>
Subject: Meeting for coffee?
Date: April 17, 2015 at 6:00:51 AM PDT
To: Hunter Biden <hbiden@rosemontseneca.com>
Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together. It’s realty an honor and pleasure.
As we spoke yesterday evening, would be great to meet today for a quick coffee. What do you think? I could come to you office somewhere around noon or so, before or on my way to airport.
?????????? ? iPhone
“As we spoke yesterday evening, would be great to meet today for a quick coffee. What do you think? I could come to you office somewhere around noon or so, before or on my way to airport.”
The emails, initially reported by theNew York Post, offered new insight into the controversy surrounding the former vice president’s ties to Ukraine — an issue that swept U.S. media last year as House Democrats pursued an impeachment effort against President Trump.
They turned up in the hard drive of a laptop dropped off at a repair shop in 2019, the Post reported, adding that a copy of the hard drive ended up in the hands of Robert Costello, a lawyer for Rudy Giuliani, a personal attorney for President Trump.
Biden’s campaign responded on Wednesday by denying any wrongdoing and claiming that the former vice president’s schedule showed no meeting taking place.
“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement.
“The New York Post never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story,” Bates continued. “They certainly never raised that Rudy Giuliani — whose discredited conspiracy theories and alliance with figures connected to Russian intelligence have been widely reported — claimed to have such materials.”
Bates added: “Moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.”
Read more at: FoxNews.com
Tagged Under: block gate, Collusion, conspiracy, corruption, Cover-Up, deception, elections, emails, expose, fox news, government, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, left cult, lies, mainstream media, New York Post, politics, treason, Ukraine